
How To Create Your Own Recycled Bags-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Recycled Bags and Boho Bags are in fashion now. You will see these handbags listed in the best sellers everywhere.

Recycled Bags are easily available online and are fairly affordable. But, if you want to show your creativity, and make your own Recycled Bags, it is actually a good idea. Lets us see how to make your own Recycled Bags:

First, you will need to decide what type of recycled fabrics you would want in your bag and collect the material accordingly.

You will need the following material:
o Fabric purse in bright color
o Recycled Fabric pieces in contrast to the purse. For example if your fabric purse is in blue, choose pink, green or red.
o For decoration, you can choose beads, rhinestones, shells, mirrors and laces.
o Needles, thread in the matching color, and scissors

Steps to be followed:
o Take a silk or cotton fabric, either plain or with small prints such as bandhni design.
o Cut the fabric in to small pieces of the desired shape. Some of the popular shapes are diamond and squares. Alternatively, if you have some motifs in fabric such as dancing girl, elephant, or any other attractive piece of cloth, you can use it as patch in your bag.
o Decide where you want to fix all the patches in the bag.
o Fold the patch from all the sides slightly, to give it an even look. Now, start taking small stitches at the edges. Remember to take the same colored thread as the patch, so that the stitches are not visible.
o Stitch all the patches all over the purse.
o Now is the time to start decorating the patchwork purse.
o The edges of the patch work can be decorated with shells. You can use a combination of these decorative materials to make your patch work bag look exclusive.
o You can even paste the beads etc with the fabric glue.

If you are looking for designs on designing your own Recycled Bags, you can surf various sites online. You can also visit websites dealing with Recycled Bags to get new ideas.

Making a Recycled Bags is an intricate task and will require lots of patience from your side. If you have the patience and a creative bend of mind, then, get started to make your own unique Recycled Bags.

How To Create Your Own Recycled Bags

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