
The Truth About Cytolytic Vaginosis-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Cylotytic Vaginosis is an rare vaginal condition contrary to that of bacterial vaginosis. Contrary to what others may think, cytolytic vaginosis is NOT an infection. Infection is an invasion of body tissue by microorganisms and their proliferation there , according to Kozier, B. et. al But the substantive culprit in cytolytic vaginosis is the abnormal replication of the normal occupants in the vagina called the lactobacilli because of a reduction in the pH of the woman s vagina. Because it is not an invading microbe but rather a resident, it is not classified as an infection. This condition commonly presents itself with the symptoms of itchiness, redness of the vulva or external genetalia, thin or sometimes thick whitish discharge and painful or with trouble in urination or intercourse. These set of symptoms are exacerbated during the second half of a woman s menstrual cycle.

Cytolytic vaginosis can be prevented by properly taking antibiotics and medications that may tend to lower the pH of the vaginal surroundings. You could also prefer to use vaginal wash formulations which are pH-friendly so you don t have to worry about such condition from happening.

If it s too late for implementing the preventive measures, cytolytic vaginosis should not cause terror among female individuals. The abnormally rapid multiplication of the normal flora (lactobacilli), as mentioned above, is caused by a reduction in pH.. And a usual simple recommendation by a physician would include douching or application of baking soda. Baking soda is a strong base which would quickly resolve the problem of acidity in the woman s vagina. Douching is simple. Mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 3-4 cups of water should do the trick. Pour the mixture to a douching bag (commonly available in pharmacies), then execute douching. Other physicians would not want to advocate douching for the reason that it further upsets pH-balance. placing a gel capsule of baking soda (prepared at home) vaginally is also another method to follow . Still another way of doing it is by application of a baking soda paste directly in the vagina. This would most likely decrease the itchiness, redness or swelling of the vagina.

No such remedy is safe enough for everybody. Individuals may have several reactions to each and every remedy. So if you have cytolytic vaginosis, or even any other condition you are experiencing, the safest approach is through referring to your physician.

The Truth About Cytolytic Vaginosis

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