
Credit Cards - Why You Should Think About Getting One-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

One of the best reasons you need to apply for a credit card is it is by far the most convenient way to pay for things. Can you imagine carrying around hundreds of pounds, just in case you needed to buy something Not only is this incredibly unsafe and unsecure, it is also a pain to count out money to give, and then to count the change returned.

Another reason would be the sheer ease of keeping on top of your finances. I ve found is much easier to lose track of what you have spent money on when you are dealing with cash lump sums. I ve also found that I ve needed to return something, but had lost my receipt. The fact that I had used my credit card to pay for the item meant that I could easily give my credit card statement as proof of purchase and was able to obtain a full refund.

Okay, so you think you re good at keeping hold of your money, and you have never lost a single note before in your life. What if you had paid for something using cash, and then had left the bag in the restaurant by mistake where you had lunch With the receipt in the bag and the item also, it s extremely easy for someone to return your item back to the shop and get cold hard cash, as that was the method you paid with. If you had however paid for it with your credit card, the thief would not be able to get cash back for the purchase, instead a credit note or exchange only.

Finally, and one of the most important reasons would have to be the opportunity to build a credit score. Having a high credit rating is vital in securing low APR credit in the future. If you ever think about getting a house, your credit score will determine not only the mortgage amount but the interest paid also. If you have a credit card early in life and maintain regular payments to the account, you will be building up a good credit rating.

Again I must stress how important it is to have a good credit history otherwise you will struggle to find good credit card deals; after all you can t buy a house with your credit card!

Credit Cards - Why You Should Think About Getting One

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