
How To Street Fight: Using Fight Techniques For Street Self Defense That Work-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

There's a lot of differing opinions about the best street self defense techniques to use in the case of a real attack. If you've ever had the bad luck of being involved in a real street fight though, then you already know the best fight techniques to use--- the ones that work!!! Anyone who can relate knows that when you're in that situation, you need fight techniques that: 1.)Don't require hours of practice, 2.)Are easy to remember under pressure, and 3.)It certainly can't hurt if their effects on your attacker are painful and downright nasty. You need to be able to end the fight fast----- plain and simple.

Street Self Defense Principles

When you need to know how to street fight effectively, there are principles to follow that will give you an edge over your attacker or opponent. The first principle that you want to remember when using any fight technique in a street self defense situation is the First Strike Principle. The First Strike Principle is just as it sounds. In knowing how to street fight, when your life is at stake, you have to be the one to strike first, strike fast, and don't let up.

The fact is, that in street self defense, the longer the fight lasts---- the greater your chances of serious injury or even death. You need to end the fight as quickly as possible. Striking first is the best method of making this happen because it allows you to stop your attacker while keeping him from "getting the drop" on you. No time is wasted and no unnecessary risks are taken.

The element of surprise is critical in knowing how to street fight effectively. Striking first gives you the upper hand because it allows you to attack suddenly and unexpectedly. As a result, you demolish his defenses and ultimately take him out of the fight.

Defense Is Not A Good Offense In A Street Fight

In any kind of self defense situation the best self defence is to strike first. A defensive fighter is one who allows the attacker to gain control in a fight. This defensive mindset can get you killed in street combat. Simply put, allowing your attacker to deliver the first strike is absolute suicide. It is like allowing a gunslinger to draw his pistol first. Don't forget if you allow him to strike first, he might injure or possibly kill you.

The first strike principle requires you to have an offensive mentality where you need to act rather than react. You must be aggressive and take control of the situation.

Some martial art instructors even teach their students to wait for their opponent to make the first move. This can be a BIG MISTAKE! This reactive type of approach will get you killed.

The Lunge Technique
One of the best self defence principles and fight techniques is the Lunge Technique. The basic principle here is that you want to keep your weight on your front foot, not your back foot. Most people keep their weight on their back foot. They are taught to do this. Most martial artists put their weight on the back foot so they can kick with the front foot, and it's human nature to back away from someone trying to punch or attack us. Keeping your weight on your back foot allows you to back up easily. Believe it or not, in a street fight situation, you want to step into an attacker, not back away. When you keep your weight on your front foot(and I know this is going to feel a little weird), but take a step with your front foot while keeping most of your weight on it, it allows you to practically leap into an attackers face, and that is not what he's expecting from you. He wants to come at you in a fury of punches and kicks and he wants to keep you backing up and on the defensive. By keeping your weight on the front foot and stepping in with it, allows you to "be in his face" which is completely unexpected, and if you know the vital targets to hit, you're going to have an extreme advantage over him.

So, what are these vital targets that you need to hit Striking first is great and everything but how is that going to help you if you don't know WHERE to strike These principles are important, but really, they do you no good without practical fight techniques you can use immediately. Stop using ineffective techniques that are only going to get you killed. Visit Street Fighting Pressure Point Techniques to learn 3 of the easiest but nastiest street fighting techniques you can use in a fight right now!!! See ya on the other side!!!

How To Street Fight: Using Fight Techniques For Street Self Defense That Work

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