
The Key To Victory On The Street "hit First - Hit Hard - Hit Often"-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

I have studied more than a few tremendous punchers in my career, and being a no hype kind of guy, I must admit that the vast majority of them have been old school boxers, and bare knuckle boxers.

This is because I am a firm believer in the 'straight punch,' and quite frankly I find that todays athletic version of the hero's of the past are quite lacking when it comes to the mechanics of a pure and truly powerful straight punch, or should I say straight lead.

In fact I believe in it's power, efficiency and effectiveness so much that I have over time made it the center piece of my B.K.E. fighting system.

You see I believe that martial arts are about fighting and protecting oneself from those who would inflict their physical or psychological wishes, or way of life on you.

This means that the art in 'martial arts' does not stand for movies or flash, cash and celebrity status.

The art in 'martial art' stands for fighting, for combat; at least where I and the B.K.E. fighting system are concerned.

And as far as I am concerned there is absolutely no technique that covers so many of the intangibles of fighting like the straight lead. It's applications are indeed almost limitless.

In battle there is no time for fancy or complicated movements. The technique we use must be efficient and effective.

There is no time for wasted motion and a correctly applied and properly thrown 'straight lead' is both efficient, as well as strategically sound.

First off the majority of street wise guys and thugs attack with wild swings, and slaps. Some even use semi-properly executed hooks. In short they are all bear/cats.

Primal little animals who are mostly incapable of executing well thought out attacks. They are untrained, they are bullies, and they are thugs.

Even if they are trained the vast majority of them will do nothing more than use the straight "jab" as a set-up for what they home to be a knock-out punch ( a hook).

"There it is" so how do you deal with this type of undisciplined and primal behavior

You must let your opponent know from the out-set that your lead hand is a dangerous. Make sure they understand that it is a threat. Pop him a few times right off the bat, and make him respect it. Once you understand that he does not have an answer for it, that he has no other recourse but to stop the attack, rush you or continue doing as he is - you own him.

The rest is a piece of cake.

You can make him flinch, react to what ever you wish. You can guide him, sucker him or knock him out anytime you wish.

That is as long you are throwing the straight lead correctly and applying the proper principles of power production to the technique. This is an absolute must because a properly thrown straight lead is NOT A JAB.

A jab is of precious little use as an offensive weapon, and even more useless as a defensive one. A properly executed 'straight lead' on the other hand is a great defensive weapon, "stop hit," that also has uses as a simple direct as well as progressive direct attacks.

In the heat of battle, there is no time to think. The more steps needed for an attack, the more time is wasted in thought and the more danger you put yourself in. The flashier the technique, the more time and energy is used in wasted motion.

My studies, as well as my 30 years of experience has taught me one thing and to illustrate it I will quote another strong advocate of the straight lead, Bruce Lee. Bruce said," There is no effective trick to stop a properly timed simple attack, and always remember the best technique is offense or defense is the simple one properly performed.

So if your really interested in learning a power, effective and energy efficient method of protecting yourself and ending a fight early, learn the following movements:

* The Dempsey Drop or Fall Step
* The Shoulder Whirl
* The Upward Surge
* The Leg Spring
* The Push-Off

And learn correctly from a reliable source not from all the self-professed coaches on You Tube. You need to learn them from someone who has spent their entire life studying, and applying the principles of power that come with these movements.

Study Jim Driscoll, Edward Haslett, the fencing coach Aldo Nadi, Jack Dempsey and of course Bruce Lee himself, and while I do not put myself in such esteemed company as the greats above you can go to our website and study the B.K.E. Fighting system.

Until next time remember - " Hit First - Hit Hard - Hit Often"

John H Grissom

The Key To Victory On The Street "hit First - Hit Hard - Hit Often"

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