
The Secret Behind Matrixing The Martial Arts-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

There is a tremendous amount of interest in Matrixing Technology. It is pretty obvious that Matrixing is going to be the next big thing in the martial arts. It is pretty obvious that Matrixing is going to sweep the world and transform the martial arts.

To explain why this is going to happen, let me say a couple of things. The first is that Matrixing does not make any martial art wrong, it makes every single art it touches better. The second is that the purpose of matrixing is to align the information of the martial arts, to make it logical and easier to learn.

Now the actual and defined purpose of matrixing is to analyze and handle force and direction. To understand this is to understand that every object in the universe has a direction. And, collision is the point at which the various trajectories of the objects intersect.

Thus, the point of matrixing is to control the paths of objects so that collision is avoided, or at least for one instead of against one. In the martial arts it is easy to see how this could be the heart of the matter. In fact, a little matrixing and you understand it is the underlying principle of martial arts, and life itself.

Joe Blow throws a fist at you, or a foot or a body or an elbow or a spear or whatever. You analyze the trajectory of the weapon accurately, and you can handle it. If you do not analyze the trajectory accurately, poor you.

How do you ascertain that you have selected the correct trajectory By knowing all the potential paths that could be taken. Only if you have analyzed the trajectory against all the potential trajectories can you determine that you have selected the correct trajectory to handle.

So matrixing is a method by which you can analyze all the trajectories, and thus select the correct one to handle. And, by matrixing, you can analyze all of your potential responses, and be assured that the one you choose is the best one. And, here is the real key, matrixing enables to discover trajectories that you did not know existed.

That's right, to discover what you don't know, and this makes you the ultimate pioneer, the ultimate explorer. With matrixing you have the key to discover all the dark, secret mysteries that are obscured and hidden, no matter if you are studying uechi ryu or parker kenpo or that esoteric form of silat. Beginners in Tae Kwon Do will learn faster, wudan tai chi chuan students will uncover the ancient mysteries, and even the bash and trash experts of the ground and pound arts in MMA and UFC will find themselves enlightened and uplifted.

The Secret Behind Matrixing The Martial Arts

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