There's No doubt that designer fashion handbags are always sign to a special women, and despite the fancy prices for most of them, but I think the right handbag would deserve. There are many famous brand names in the world of designer handbags, and for you to choose the right bag you should know about them, and then you try to know the characteristics distinguish each one from the other. Here, I try to introduce the most famous world's fashion designers handbags along with their biggest trends.
Hermes handbags are one from the most famous designer handbags it's a perfect bag that would suit the needs of a young woman and mother. Although Handbag trends may come and go, but still no handbag has garnered quite as many lustful glances as the Hermes Crocodile Kelly Bag, which was named in honor of Princess Grace Kelly of Monoco, and regardless the fancy prices of this handbag which may reach $12000 but it still considered the top of the designer handbag industry to this day.
Chloe Handbags are other designer fashion handbags which are both edgy and feminine. Stella McCartney joined Chloe in 1997 and she succeeded in creating a new modern and exciting collection. The Chloe Paddington Handbag is being heralded as the bag for fall 2005, this hand bag feature rich calfskin leather and classic brass hardware, large & secure for your personal effects beside many other features which all made its cost higher than $2000.
Balenciaga Handbags, It was created by Spanish designer Cristobal Balenciaga, who started in fashion world at the young age of thirteen, when he charmed the Marquise of Casa Torres with a compliment on her elegance. Balenciaga Motorcycle Bag- introduced in the Balenciaga Spring 2001 collection, and designed by Nicolas Ghesquire, the Balenciaga motorcycle bag is one of fashion's biggest trends, and is spotted hanging from celeb arms on a regular basis. This trendy bag has several popular features including the signature trailing laces and removable shoulder strap. Seen on Sarah Jessica Parker and Paris Hilton, the Balenciaga motorcycle bag is not easily available to the common woman.
Prada, lead by fashion designer Miuccia Prada, is perhaps best known for its lovely black nylon designer Prada handbags and signature triangle logo.
Top Prada handbag designs include the Prada Bowling Bag - Resembling a doctor's bag with a double handle the Prada bowling bag is a mix of nylon and black leather and is lined with a silky famous Prada lining, with a zippered pocket inside.
Prada handbags are estimated to be the most imitated fashion accessory today. To ensure their authenticity every Prada handbag is outfitted with an authorization card and the Prada logo appears on all zipper hardware.
In 1906, a leather craftsman named Guccio Gucci founded the House of Gucci, a saddlery shop in Florence, Italy where Gucci sold genuine, handcrafted leather goods.
Today, Gucci is also the designer of an extensive line of perfumes, colognes, cosmetics, shoes, the "Flora" foulard created for Grace Kelly by Rodolfo Gucci, suitcases, watches, jewelry, silk scarves, eyeglasses and much more.
Gucci's most famous handbags include the Gucci Bardot Bag This timeless, sophisticated bag is constructed of jacquard material with the famous "GG" logo pattern, in typically white/black or beige/dark brown color combinations, and trimmed in leather with silver hardware.
Actually there's much more brands which can fit you also, and you should seek the always the best shapes besides maintaining brand name.
How To Compare Different Designer Handbags
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