
Tipping In Usa - A Guide-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Tipping is a confusing and sensitive issue with visitors. Overseas visitors are often not sure whether tipping is expected, and if it is, how much should they tip In some countries, such as Japan, tipping is frowned upon. Other countries have different tipping rules depending on the service being offered.

Tipping is very much a part of eating out in the US. Many service providers depend on tips to make a good monthly income. Restaurants are not the only places where a tip is expected. You are expected to tip waiters, bellhops, taxi drivers, delivery people, parking attendants, car wash attendants, and hairdressers. Not to forget miscellaneous other service providers whom you find courteous and helpful. The problem is that it is often difficult to understand where the tipping should stop - there have been cases of movie ticket booth operators and train drivers getting "tipped". So here is a tipping guide for those struggling with unstated and bewildering US tipping norms.


Most middle tier restaurants in the US run on the 20% rule - depending on the service, you tip 15% to 20% to waiters and waitresses. If you are dining at an upscale restaurant, you will be expected to tip everyone right from the waiter up to the ma tre d h tel and sommelier. Tip $3 for every bottle of wine, and $10 to the ma tre d h tel for any additional services they provide.


Staff at upscale bars including those in posh hotels expects tips in the 15-20% range. For smaller bars, a $5 tip is enough. Bouncers get $5, too. If you are handing in your coat at the check in, you will need to tip at least $2. Don't leave a tip if there is a service fee though.


Hotels are dangerous territory if you are new to the US tipping culture. In a five star hotel, you are expected to oblige everyone, from the porter to the concierge. Somewhere between them are room service staff, cleaning staff, shoeshine, and everyone else who offers some kind of service to you. Leave 15% for room service, and $10 for other services. Porters who carry your luggage to your room typically expect $1 as a basic amount, and 50% of that for every additional bag carried.

Grooming Services

Hairdressers in both men's and women's salons are given 15% as tip. Many salons have different employees for shampooing and hair styling. The employee who shampoos your hair should be tipped separately - $1 to $3 will do. If you get your shoes cleaned, leave $2 as tip.

Residential Area Services

If you live in a residential area you will have to tip the guard, janitor, and other people who work there. If they go out of their way to do something for you, leave a tip. It makes them happy and you can depend on them to do something for you again.

Holiday Season Tipping

Another time for good cheer is the Christmas season, especially for people who work in your residential community. The newspaper delivery boys, superintendent, laundry service people - just about everyone expects a tip. It is in your best interests to risk a slight overdrawing on your bank account than leave them without adequate tips; your tips will be reflected in their services for the rest of the year.

Tipping In Usa - A Guide

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