
Principles On Self-defense-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

It is true that there are some people who will prey on the others. Have you ever involved into these kinds of prey When you are involving an attack launched by a violent person, how will you do to protect yourself or your family

You may easily win the attacker if you have entered into a martial art training class and leaned some basic self-defensive skills. But if you have not learned these skills and there is no one who can help you when you are confronting an attack, you just rely on yourself. How will you defend yourself You need to remember the following principles.

You should keep alert. Keeping your mental alertness straight and focus is essential. The attack usually comes from the back, so you should make clear what is behind you. Once you realize something is abnormal, you should be ready and observe the people and place where you are staying.

Decisiveness is crucial in self-defense. If a bad person launches an attack to you, you should decide to respond quickly to defend against the attacker. Do not hesitate and delay, which will cause loss on you.

When re-attacking, you should show your aggressiveness. You should not initiate violence. But when it comes from others, you should be aggressive. You should make an explosive counterattack with all your might. Speed is the very helpful. You should move fast, and think quickly.

Usually, the attackers do not expect you will fight back, so if you counterattack aggressively, they will be surprised. In this way, you can give yourself a room for breathing.

These are the basic principles for personal defense. You should avoid violence as possible as you can but when you are attacked and threatened by others, you should make act quickly to surprise the attacker. Your purpose is to protect yourself and stay alive. So do not let the fight last long.

Principles On Self-defense

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