As is known to us, there are so many famous bags in the world. Some are very convenient; some are practical useful, some are very beautiful Also, there are plenty of bags popular among the people. For example, the hoho bags, fashionable with various styles. Coach bags, are not only a status symbol but also a sign of great craftsmanship and durability. The Prada handbag is simple, functional and sturdy, practical and fashionable. The classic Gucci bag stands for The Italian brand and for luxury and glamour. Dior handbags are exquisite and are the very essence of beauty & style. Of the functional and fashionable bags, the Birkin Bag is my favourite. There are several reasons accounting for this.
First, the Birkin Bag is attractive. Typically, a Birkin bag s lining is made of goat skin and its colour will match the bag s exterior colour. And the exterior of the bag can be made of a variety of leathers. The interior leather zipper tag is parallel with zipper, not perpendicular. The price of these bags depends on the size of the scales. In normal cases, bags with smaller scales cost much more than those with larger scales. The Birkin has become a symbol of ultimate luxury culture, during the 2006 World Cup most of the wives and girlfriends of British footballers used such kind of handbag.
Second, the bag has appeared prominently on popular television shows such as Sex and the City, Gossip Girls, and Will & Grace. In Gossip Girl, Lily carries her Birkin bag in black and tan in season one. In Sex and City, Samantha tried every means to get a Birkin bag and finally booked one in the name of Liu Yuling. In the episode she said: When you take a Birkin, you know your values. So we can realize the charm of Birkin. And when Samantha was undergoing the chemo, Carrie went over to see her with a Birkin bag too.
Third, the Birkin handbags are hand-built by experienced craftsmen. The production of each bag may need several weeks hard work of workers. The metallic hardware on a Birkin bag (the lock, keys, buckle and so on) are typically plated with gold or other precious metals, such as palladium, which, unlike silver, will not tarnish.
Because of the high profile and super quality of the brand, and the rare and expensive materials and so on, which makes The Birkin bag gain a grate popular in people. It is unique.
My Favourite Birkin Bag
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