
How To Start A Purse Party Business - Your Guide To Success-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Starting a purse party consulting business is a really fun, creative and exciting way to make an income working from home. Unlike many other home party businesses (like Tupperware for example) which have fixed catalogs of merchanidse that you are forced to select from, purse parties are a much more flexible business model since the purse party consultant has the luxury of deciding the sorts of purses, handbags and accessories that she wishes to sell at the party depending on her own personal tastes and the preferences of the guests who will be attending.

In this article, we'll introduce you briefly to some of the keys to getting a successful purse party business off the ground.

Fully understand Your Clientèle

The purses offered through a designer purse party business can be designer bags, look-alike designer purses, or brand name and fashion purses and handbags. Exactly what handbags you promote at your purse party business will be determined by who is attending. Knowing your guests and their preferences before hand will ensure that you have the right types of merchandise available at your party.

Finding Reputable Distributors

A key factor in creating a flourishing home designer purse party business is selecting solid suppliers. To ensure a broad enough range of merchandise, you'll want to ensure that your supplier(s) has the following bases covered:

* Designer handbags

* Reproduction designer purses and handbags

* Brand name purses

* Trendy purses and handbags

The right merchandise suppliers are key to your home purse party business. Customers pre-pay for their purchases so you should choose vendors who supply on time.


One of the things that is particularly great about starting a purse party business is that your initial investment can be very low and you can build your inventory as your business gets bigger. Having even a small supply of hands-on sample purses with you at your first purse party will get your guests engaged and excited about your merchandise and allow you to make sales.

Guest Invitations

To get started, you'll host the first purse party yourself. Invite acquaintances, coworkers, others who live nearby and family. If you know a number of people, you can also host more than one party as small, more intimate purse parties often work the best.

How to Plan Your Purse Party

To ensure that your first purse party is a success, you'll want to make a short list of things to do. This checklist will grow as your business starts to thrive and you discover what works out best for you. At a minimum, your first to do list should cover off the following items:

* Mailing out invitations together with a short explanation of what a purse party involves and a price range for the merchandise.

* Food - Plan simple finger foods together with some beverages like red and white wine to liven up the party.

* Games and Prizes - Games will contribute to the party atmosphere of the event while having a door or raffle prize will keep people interested in your merchandise and boost your overall sales!

Product Presentation

A professional and tasteful display of the purses you have to offer will always make a good initial impression as guests come in. You should get to the event at a minimum thirty minutes ahead of invitees to set up your display which should include sales leaflets, catalogs and other promotional items. Locate the display table on one side of the room with enough room for people to gather around and look at the purses. Bring a table cloth and perhaps a plant or two for a more appealing presentation. Be sure to include a business card holder together with your business cards so guests can easily pass your reputation to others.

Growing a Lucrative Enterprise

The foregoing guidelines will ensure that your first couple of purse parties are a great success and will ultimately lead to requests for your services and referrals from others in attendance. Coupled with other unique and innovative marketing strategies that you can easily implement, you should experience great opportunities to grow and expand your business quickly.

How To Start A Purse Party Business - Your Guide To Success

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