1. Look at the Payment Methods Offered
One of the first red flags you should look for when trying to spot replica handbag scam artists is to see which payment methods they offer. In general, if a site doesn`t let you pay by credit card (my preferred method of payment), I tend to steer clear. Other methods like Western Union, international wire transfer, and cash on delivery (C.O.D.) provide little to no security for the buyer, which means that if the site isn`t legit, you`re up the creek if they decide to rip you off. Paypal is a little better, but major credit cards are by far the most secure. This is because if you ever get ripped off you can get a full refund by filing a claim with your credit card company. Moreover, it takes a certain degree of legitimacy to get a merchant account with credit card companies like Visa and Mastercard, so their presence as options should be points in favor of a site`s legitimacy.
How is the Quality of the Text
Often sites are created with no real purpose other than to manipulate search engine rankings of other sites, and feature quickly and poorly-written text, often by non-native English speakers. Make sure that all of the products on a site have written descriptions that are actually descriptive of the products and written thoughtfully and coherently. You can also check to see if text has been stolen from another site by Googling a whole sentence in quotations and seeing if it shows up on other replica handbag sites. It should be noted that sometimes sites with text by non-native English speakers are completely trustworthy, as many great sites are based in China. But you should still consider the quality of the writing when you check out a site.
These are just a few things you can look out for when you`re trying to decide which sites to trust. You can find more tips in my previous post here and more information about payment methods here. And remember, when in doubt, you can use this site as a forum to ask me and your fellow readers what they think. You never know, somebody may have dealt with the site in question first hand and can tell you exactly how legit a replica handbag site is. Do you have any failsafe tricks that you follow when determining the legitimacy of a replica site Do tell!
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