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1. Free shipping to worldwide by EMS (EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE). We are excited to ship freely to most countries and areas, however, the followings are NOT provided with free shipping offer: Saudi Arabia, Angola, Netherlands, Nigeria, Czech, Kenya, Ukraine, Russia, Croatia, Hungary, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Maldives, Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Latvia, Romania, Estonia, South Africa, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and others. Please contact us before payment to confirm whether you are in free shipping areas or not.

2. Items are generally shipped out within 3 working days after payment has been verified (Sat. & Sun. and most national holidays excluded.).

3. Once we ship your package, we will send you tracking number once it available. Package transitting time normally takes 7 to 14 business days, depending on the destination, holidays and factors beyond Postal Service's control. If there is a little delay, please have more patience.

4. Please confirm your shipping address before pay for it, you are best to leave the phone number for contacting. Please provide a valid email address and check emails after you have purchased for any updated information.



BuyLvHangbags.com provide shipping for replica handbags

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Chanel handbags are good at creating elegance and nobleness. When you carry this Chanel Sophisticated Quilted Leather Bag, I'm sure it will infuse a pop of brightness to your day or eveningwear. It is indeed very bright and its shade will as well put feminine glam and sophistication to whatever ensemble you wish to wear.

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