
Once the price that no discount not move silently LV handbags-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

    LV price! Temporary discount is not directly, lower price! For luxury industry, it is undoubtedly a deep bombs.

     In fact, many luxury, LV group after adjustment for 2009 in autumn, the new stock price from June at the beginning of the new goods, Ferragamo and achieve miraculous Fendi repeatedly, Dior, Gucci, Celine etc in different degree, although the price big crocus, do not wish to talk more frustratingly opaque, but the euro dollar, but human cost reduction in Europe is known facts, and because of hk dollar, makes the same price of Hong Kong has risen slightly, thus, luxury in mainland China and Hong Kong gap is smaller. 

   This so-called discount, no price rise only rawalpindi when a Replica chanel handbags luxury never move silently, and finally the brand, 2-7, although the price range is very wide range, the most frequently mentioned and purchase the brunt of the bag is.

LV shop down the bag of 200 yuan, 500 yuan

LV reduction, and not of recent events, in five months ago, LV has been comprehensively in the mainland of the adjustment of price, except for a few small watches, jewelry, and other categories of products in the product based on the original price by 2% - 7%. According to the understanding of the group, LV only 22 all cities in mainland China, Hong Kong, macau, and stores in price.

    Replica chanel handbags The price is very low, just LV in each store in the retail price, so direct adjustment, if not old guest did not know. Hangzhou tower related staff said. As the most popular bag Neverfall, medium price is 6000 yuan, now transferred to 5,600 dollars, Speedy30 from $6,000 to 5,600 dollars, Speedy35 dropped from $62 5800 yuan.

    Every package price range are different, but the basic at $200-500 yuan. Officials said.Besides LV, Ferragamo and achieve miraculous Fendi repeatedly, Dior, Gucci, Paul, Shark Celine have slashed the retail prices of new goods in 2009. Hangzhou tower Ferragamo 8 centimeters tall with bowknot classical money as an example, the original price 4500 yuan, dolce and gabbana current year-much yuan. Other many may start of new stock price issue more affinity, 30% of the new stock prices seem more friendly, like a small leather bag, 1.5 million yuan, is now highly 1.1 million sold... Although there are reluctant to talk about the price, but the shop is cut undisputable fact.

Luxury brand down introduction figure

      In the world, introduction luxury price, namely, the minimum threshold guest purchase the threshold for a luxury brand, also means to customer's choice, dolce and gabbana handbags minimum threshold, high-end customers will be more, but also can reduce the number of customer, customer number, threshold will increase, but if drop too low, also affect brand in the public mind extravagant status.

    Introduction Ferragamo bag also adjusted, leather bag is in the price of basic 10,000 yuan, now spend $65-45 yuan, can buy a bag with cortical LOGO.Depreciate reason: the euro, compensation cost, the financial crisis...

     However, many brand has begun to select different methods to reduce introduction. According to an insider revealed that Gucci, tried to make the sales price is not the canvas bag out high discount, part 5 fold even to the goods, 4000 yuan - 5000 yuan introduction in the sales pitch was below 2000 yuan. Although sales field is doing very small, but also have a choice of customers, but from a flank reflects its lower body posture.

    dolce and gabbana bags The price to downgrade is inevitable, because we are from Italy purchase price of goods has decreased. This year, said the QianDan Ferragamo for another brand Paul Shark ordering, 30 million yuan of money can buy original 10,000 pieces of goods, but now you can buy the goods, 1.2 million price significantly.

     Euro dollar exchange rate cut is the direct cause of luxury, luxury according to the exchange rate adjustment reduce the price difference between the different regions in reason, but not only influence exchange, European raw material costs, manpower cost down the cost of goods also let drop, plus the recession, major luxury brand more need to Asia, especially China mainland market share, and the price is obviously directly, the most effective means. For them, LV as a vane, if they are there, LV and there's no reason not to put a low profile

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Once the price that no discount not move silently LV handbags

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