
Lovesac/comfy Sack Comparison-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

When you compare Lovesac and Comfy Sack, you really see there is no comparison. For starters, Comfy Sack's oversized bean bag chairs are made to last. The manufacturer backs up that statement with an astounding three year warranty, that includes no hassle and that also covers the liner as well as the cover. The Lovesac only comes with a ninety day limited warranty. An added plus to Comfy Sack is they are 100% made in the USA, while Lovesac's are made in China. That alone attests to the quality of the Comfy Sack.

The differences between these two products does not stop there. Comfy Sack's are the bean bag chair of choice, having been featured in such prominent a publication as Glamour Magazine. There is little reason that one Fortune 500 company, Apple Computers selected Comfy Sacks for some of their own rooms at their corporate offices. The shredded comfy foam inside the soft outer sack should keep Apple's employee's very comfortable. Comfy Sack's will make a great addition to your home, no matter which room they are placed.

Comfy Sack's come in twice the number of micro suede colors, and five times the number of standard colors than Lovesac. Of course, when we take a look at the price, one may find it hard to believe the difference. The 6 ft Supersac Lovesac is priced at $619.00, while the 6 ft Comfy Sack is an amazing $286.00. The price alone is not the only thing that gives the Comfy Sack the edge over the Lovesac. The shipping cost for the Lovesac is $30-$50, while the Comfy Sack ships for $1.00. That is an amazing difference.

There really is no comparison. The warranty, variety of color selections, made in the USA, free fabric samples, the price and shipping cost, all make the choice clear. Comfy Sack provides much better quality and benefits than Lovesac.

Lovesac/comfy Sack Comparison

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