
7 Best Christmas Gifts For Guys - 2009-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

To have your gift remembered, you naturally want it to stand out, so it is worth considering the best Christmas gifts for guys in 2009; in particular, for special people like husbands and boyfriends. You don't want to give him just any old thing that will be forgotten the day after Xmas. Something unique or unusual will score many more points than the more commonplace items that others give.

However, you really don't want to spend a huge amount of time exploring the many items in stores when others have already done the legwork and eliminated a lot of the more pedestrian choices. Your aim is to think smart to win his appreciation. Here is a list of top gifts for guys that has emerged from a study of what is available at large online retailers.

1. Bluetooth Handsfree Sunglasses.
He will look ever so stylish in these sunglasses with a built-in Bluetooth headset. No man wants to look like a cyborg and this handsfree system has a variety of shapes, which include small earpiece designs while offering protection from sun and glare. They are compatible with standard Bluetooth equipped phones and provide a cosmopolitan look.

2. Stainless Steel Wallet.
Normally you wouldn't get excited about a wallet but this one is made from smooth steel and it has the texture of silk. The sleek masculine style is woven from micro fibers of stainless steel. It is bound to impress.

3. Portable Solar Charger from Freeloader.
Not just any old charger, this one taps into solar energy and derives its energy from solar panels or from a cable that links to a computer's USB port. The Li-Ion battery is able to power a cell phone for 44 hours and other appliances for varying times. This is also very handy when traveling or if a normal power supply is unavailable, such as on hiking and boating trips.

4. Portable Photo Studio.
Professional-looking photographs often have the advantage of well-placed diffused lighting to achieve their effects. Now you can help your guy take better photos by having better illumination and softer shadows with this portable photo studio that includes halogen lamps and a mini-tripod. The gear all fits into a zippered nylon carry bag.

5. Pen Tablet with Pen from Bamboo.
Great for making quick sketches, handwritten notes, writing emails, entering text anywhere, or adding a signature, this electronic aid has the natural feel of a pen on paper. A writing and drawing system which offers more control for projects like slide presentations and enables work to be easily personalized. It combines with Windows and Mac operating systems for desktop control.

6. Jetboil Personal Cooking System
Some guys just like to get out and about. This system will boil two cups of water in two minutes, so for a quick cup of coffee or to prepare a hiking meal it is unsurpassed. From one small canister of gas, it is able to boil up to 50 cups of water, ideal for beverages, dehydrated meals, noodles, soup, and the like.

7. 15" Digital Photo Frame From Gigantor.
This takes photography to a whole new dimension. The photo display has a resolution of 1024x768, built-in speakers and support for different media, such as USB thumbdrives, MP3, MPEG video, and more. Fans of Harry Potter will suspect this is getting amazingly close to the moving pictures on the walls at Hogwarts. He will be able to rotate hundreds of photos of his loved ones and holiday snaps, including the fish that didn't get away!

7 Best Christmas Gifts For Guys - 2009

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