
How Your Child Can Make Money Quickly & Learn Good Business Skills-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Leaves are falling and people get tired of raking their own leaves. You may recall raking leaves as a child and absolutely dread the thought, but it isn t as strenuous as you may think. Besides that it becomes a whole lot more fun when you are making money. It is good exercise and a way to continually make money over the next few months.

Most people online are all focused on making money on the web. The thought of sleeping and making money is grand indeed. Life isn t always that simple. Besides that in the current economy you need to make money in every way you can. If you follow the low cost steps below I can show you how to use your computer to make money offline.

Go to the local discount store and buy a large 99 cent permanent marker. Cut up cardboard boxes into 12 x 24 squares. Draw a small border around the edge and use a ruler to mark three 4 sections on the 12 side of your sign with a pen or pencil. Write, Low-Cost Leaf Removal on the first two lines and place your phone number in large numerals below it. If you have the money you can spray them with a clear coat paint to help weatherize them and make them shiny. Take a hammer and a small box of roofing nails and on your daily trips, post these signs at busy intersections with a telephone pole. You will quickly notice a good place to hang your sign when you see a lot of nails from other people who placed a sign there. There is a good reason they used that location it works.

If you go to someone s house and see a picture frame that is crooked you will always notice it. It bugs us and gets our attention. Your signs placed a little crooked will get more attention for the same reason.

Once you put up your first sign you are in business. Continue to keep signs in your vehicle and post them at good locations as you travel around town. Some days you may not get any calls and others you will get several. Try to keep one person home monitoring the phone. When people call they want to talk to a person right then.

The first thing they are going to ask is how much $ do you charge. Tell them you are reasonable and you have to look at their yard and will arrange a fair price with them. Go visit them at their convenience. As you ponder a price think of gas, garbage bag expenses and hours of labor to complete the job. A fair price with the current inflation is around $35.00 if it is a good size yard or a lot of leaves. You want to give your first customer a great deal. You are learning the business and will have to pay your dues. You may underbid the first job but you have your first customer and are officially in business for yourself. If you work fast you should make about $10.00 an hour which is good money and you get to work at your own pace, unsupervised.

This customer is watching you and how well of a job you do. They are also examining your character. You could be the greatest leaf raker this side of the Mississippi but if you have wandering eyes, lack of respect, loud head banger music or throw cigarette buds in their yard, you have ruined your chance at positive word of mouth advertising and may not be invited back. Do an excellent job, be courteous and of good cheer.

Their neighbors are also watching what is going on in their neighborhood. When they see a joining yard getting leaves removed they feel obligated to do the same. If you do a great job for a fair price you will get more business from their neighbors, friends and or family.

Example: I placed up a sign and got my first leaf raking job. The front yard was full of leaves and I only charged her $35.00. I did a great job and she gave me $5.00 extra. It took me 4 hours so I made about $10.00 an hour. Her sister dropped buy and also noticed the nice looking yard. Now the customer wants to hire me to place plastic around her screened in porch and her sister needs a screen door removed and another one installed. Both jobs are so easy any one can do. One job leads to another. The customer has also stated she will have me come back again to rake more leaves.

It may take a while before you get your first call but after you get your first job it snowballs into other jobs and ways to make money. I can make $100.00 a day with a 99 cent permanent marker and you can too. So you are hopefully making money online and offline. The Money Saving Calendar can help you make & save money every month of the year.

Use your money to make more money. Buy another permanent marker and make more signs. The weather will destroy your signs over time so you need to monitor them. Place an ad in some local advertising mediums such as the, Thrifty Nickel. If you use your money to make more money on a regular basis there is no end to your success.

Although I have mentioned many useful tips I have many more to offer on this subject. Test out these simple techniques and I guarantee that you will make money. If you buy the, Money Saving Calendar you will have detailed business plans available for many different business ideas. Many are not well known and will be in high demand for many years.

It is a great way to teach your children the value of money and how to become a success. Allow them to experience free enterprise and the thrill of the, American Dream.

Several studies were done by interviewing successful people. Almost every one of them had one thing in common. They made money as a child by having a newspaper route or other money making venture. I was a newspaper boy and I wish I knew then what I know now. If you have an enterprising child and want to assist them to become a lifelong success The Money Saving Calendar can do it.

One problem we all face in saving money is time. The Money Saving Calendar offers you the time by allowing you to plan ahead for the items you need in coming months. You can try to operate off of memory but you will no doubt miss some money saving opportunities. Buy the, Money Saving Calendar, and let it do the work for you. I guarantee you will save and make money every month of the year. It is an item that pays for itself many times over.

How Your Child Can Make Money Quickly & Learn Good Business Skills

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