



















TAG:郑幼林:雕鉴估皆精的三绝专家 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻





  目前,珠宝行业中标识混乱现象普遍存在, 有的商家不标注珠宝玉石名称,还有的用“产品寓意”代替珠宝饰品名称.有的仅标注行业内不规范的商业俗称,翡翠B货、24K黄金等等这些出现在首饰标签上,人们耳熟能详的名称,其实都是一些不规范的商业俗称.有的不法零售商甚至混淆、杜撰珠宝玉石和贵金属名称,“沙金”、“钯铂金”、“锻压金”等不规范标签名称已成为部分珠宝店误导消费者的伎俩.一些商家以次充好,以假乱真,如有的以合成钻石充当天然钻石,按新出台的《标准》要求,人工合成钻石必须注明“合成”二字.









  饰品销售票据上填写出的内容应至少包括经营企业名称、饰品名称、质量或规格、价格以及相关法律法规中规定的内容.经营企业的名称应为依法登记注册的企业名称.饰品名称由材质名称和品种名称组成,应与标签上所示一致.其中对于钻石饰品,裸钻或镶嵌钻石主石大于0.10ct的钻石饰品,应在销售票据上注明钻石质量,以克拉(ct)为单位;贵金属饰品,以质量计量单位作为计价单位进行销售的饰品,应注明其质量,以克(g)为单位.应与标签上所示一致.此外还包括价格及要求等.(记者 郑东红 通讯员 穆巍)


TAG:天津贵金属及珠宝玉石饰品标识标准将实施 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



钱贵根在仔细雕琢玉器. 钱贵根在仔细雕琢玉器.

  广佛都市网讯 佛山日报记者刘先进报道:“鉴玉尚质,执玉尚谨,用玉尚慎.”小小一块玉石,在他眼中,不仅是一件饰品,还是一件富含哲理的艺术品:能传递正能量,藏金玉良言,可劝人远离毒品,可宣扬环保.
















TAG:玉雕师巧手雕刻翡翠罂粟劝人戒毒 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



  广佛都市网讯 珠江商报记者杨安摄影报道:珠宝店大白天居然被人撬开大门卷走店内价值百万的玉器饰品?市民关先生昨日向本报反映,他在大良云良路康华楼工作的珠宝店内所有货品突然不见了,记者了解原是该店老板玩失踪,在其店内承租柜台的玉器商人为取回自己的货物故有此举,警方已介入调查.





TAG:珠宝店被撬门百万玉器被卷走 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻



  楚天金报讯 金报讯(记者彭鹏)一心想买条铂金项链的方女士,昨日中午特意到积玉桥一家典当行淘宝.她看中一款项链,重3.98克,每克仅售358元,她二话不说立马掏钱买单,“要知道铂金在商场一克500多元,这里便宜好多,买回去找个师傅重新改个款式就行了”.






TAG:年底淘绝当品很划算:首饰玉器手表居多 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻





  在这全新的篇章中,敬邀您探索在1932年,嘉柏丽尔-香奈儿如何以一个完全由钻石打造的顶级珠宝系列为高级珠宝业带来了划时代的影响。80年后,芳登广场上依旧闪耀着"Bijoux deDiamants"钻石珠宝系列的熠熠光芒。

1932 原版胸针

  接着继续我们的怀旧之旅:一则在Pathé-Gaumont 电影档案馆发现的新闻影片,记录了1932年11月7-19日嘉柏丽尔-香奈儿在她位于巴黎圣·奥诺雷街29号的私人宅邸内举办的"Bijoux de Diamants"钻石珠宝展。影片曾在每一家法国影院的正片开始前放映,显示她那令人瞩目的珠宝盛事当年在法国是如何引发了新闻界的报道热潮。


TAG:香奈儿 Chanel 珠宝 1932 香奈儿的流光掠影与历史印记

Energy Micro to showcase cool customer apps at embedded world

Energy Micro to showcase cool customer apps at embedded world

The guys and gals at Energy Micro, who cheerfully describe themselves as "The energy friendly microcontroller and radio company," will showcase a number of customer applications for their EFM32 Gecko families of ARM-based microcontrollers (MCUs) at Embedded World 2013. These will demonstrate how energy efficient devices greatly extend battery life in real-world products.

On show will be products spanning various industry sectors for such diverse uses as dive watches, avalanche monitors, home automation controls, and utility meters. Velux, a company well-known for its roof windows and blinds, has selected the EFM32 Giant Gecko microcontroller for the touch screen interface in its award winning 'Velux Integra' series of electric window remote controls. PIEPS GmbH, a long-established Austrian company that is a leader in life-saving avalanche transceivers, has designed the EFM32 Cortex-M3 MCU into its top-of-the-range handheld avalanche monitor, the 'PIEPS VECTOR', for use by mountaineers and rescue services. Miitors, a developer of leading edge IP for water meter manufacturers, has created a new standard in smart meter designs using ultrasonic sensors and offering WMBus and NFC communication. With support from Energy Micro, Miitors has been able to achieve an ultra-low energy design that provides extreme long-life operation.

Low power applications like these utilize the EFM32's low-energy sensor interface (LESENSE) and peripheral reflex system (PRS) to provide autonomous monitoring of sensor inputs while the MCU remains in a sub-microamp Deep Sleep mode. In this way, the EFM32 Gecko devices enable customer designs to achieve the performance they need for responsive wake-on-touch control, routine data collection or wireless communication, in products where minimizing energy consumption and preserving battery life is vital.

TAG:Energy Micro Embedded World

Energy Micro to showcase cool customer apps at embedded world

Energy Micro to showcase cool customer apps at embedded world

The guys and gals at Energy Micro, who cheerfully describe themselves as "The energy friendly microcontroller and radio company," will showcase a number of customer applications for their EFM32 Gecko families of ARM-based microcontrollers (MCUs) at Embedded World 2013. These will demonstrate how energy efficient devices greatly extend battery life in real-world products.

On show will be products spanning various industry sectors for such diverse uses as dive watches, avalanche monitors, home automation controls, and utility meters. Velux, a company well-known for its roof windows and blinds, has selected the EFM32 Giant Gecko microcontroller for the touch screen interface in its award winning 'Velux Integra' series of electric window remote controls. PIEPS GmbH, a long-established Austrian company that is a leader in life-saving avalanche transceivers, has designed the EFM32 Cortex-M3 MCU into its top-of-the-range handheld avalanche monitor, the 'PIEPS VECTOR', for use by mountaineers and rescue services. Miitors, a developer of leading edge IP for water meter manufacturers, has created a new standard in smart meter designs using ultrasonic sensors and offering WMBus and NFC communication. With support from Energy Micro, Miitors has been able to achieve an ultra-low energy design that provides extreme long-life operation.

Low power applications like these utilize the EFM32's low-energy sensor interface (LESENSE) and peripheral reflex system (PRS) to provide autonomous monitoring of sensor inputs while the MCU remains in a sub-microamp Deep Sleep mode. In this way, the EFM32 Gecko devices enable customer designs to achieve the performance they need for responsive wake-on-touch control, routine data collection or wireless communication, in products where minimizing energy consumption and preserving battery life is vital.

TAG:Energy Micro Embedded World


Freescale attacks Cavium with security coprocessors

Freescale attacks Cavium with security coprocessors

SAN JOSE, Calif. – Freescale Semiconductor is rolling out a family of three security coprocessors, targeting a market dominated by rival Cavium Networks. Freesacale claims its C29x chips, ranging in price from $99 to nearly $200, will deliver 50 to 250 percent more operations per dollar than Cavium’s Nitrox 3.

Despite its plans to significantly undercut Nitrox 3 prices, Freescale and analysts watching the company say it should still reap comfortable margins. “We think [Cavium has] been getting crazy margins,” said Derek Phillips, a senior product manager at Freescale.

The C29x is optimized to handle 2048-bit RSA encryption, the level recommended currently for secure transactions by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It also process Diffie Hellman, and Elliptical Curve Cryptography algorithms and bulk encryption at rates of 8 to 10 Gbits/second.

The high-end chip uses three processing engines to deliver 32,000 2,048-bit RSA transactions/second at 10W. Dual- and single-engine versions hit 18,000 and 8,000 transactions/s, respectively. That compares to a few hundred transactions/s for the embedded security blocks on current QorIQ SoCs, said Phillips.

The chips require no external memory for RSA operations. However, external memory is needed to support secure boot and tamper detection features.

The first devices will ship before April. They run on a x4 PCI Express Gen 2 bus.

The C29x promises “significantly lower costs at a time when network security has never been more important,” said Joseph Byrne, senior analyst with the Linley Group (Mountain View, Calif.). “The security coprocessor space is a potentially high-margin market for Freescale,” he said in a Freescale press statement.

Related stories:
  • Expert, lawmakers at odds over GPS security
  • Black Hat: Impersonating Microsoft Exchange servers to manipulate mobile devices

TAG:Security Coprocessors Nitrox 3 Security Cryptography Freescale Cavium C29x Nitrox

Freescale attacks Cavium with security coprocessors

Freescale attacks Cavium with security coprocessors

SAN JOSE, Calif. – Freescale Semiconductor is rolling out a family of three security coprocessors, targeting a market dominated by rival Cavium Networks. Freesacale claims its C29x chips, ranging in price from $99 to nearly $200, will deliver 50 to 250 percent more operations per dollar than Cavium’s Nitrox 3.

Despite its plans to significantly undercut Nitrox 3 prices, Freescale and analysts watching the company say it should still reap comfortable margins. “We think [Cavium has] been getting crazy margins,” said Derek Phillips, a senior product manager at Freescale.

The C29x is optimized to handle 2048-bit RSA encryption, the level recommended currently for secure transactions by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It also process Diffie Hellman, and Elliptical Curve Cryptography algorithms and bulk encryption at rates of 8 to 10 Gbits/second.

The high-end chip uses three processing engines to deliver 32,000 2,048-bit RSA transactions/second at 10W. Dual- and single-engine versions hit 18,000 and 8,000 transactions/s, respectively. That compares to a few hundred transactions/s for the embedded security blocks on current QorIQ SoCs, said Phillips.

The chips require no external memory for RSA operations. However, external memory is needed to support secure boot and tamper detection features.

The first devices will ship before April. They run on a x4 PCI Express Gen 2 bus.

The C29x promises “significantly lower costs at a time when network security has never been more important,” said Joseph Byrne, senior analyst with the Linley Group (Mountain View, Calif.). “The security coprocessor space is a potentially high-margin market for Freescale,” he said in a Freescale press statement.

Related stories:
  • Expert, lawmakers at odds over GPS security
  • Black Hat: Impersonating Microsoft Exchange servers to manipulate mobile devices

TAG:Security Coprocessors Nitrox 3 Security Cryptography Freescale Cavium C29x Nitrox

Ultra low power controllers get new benchmark

Ultra low power controllers get new benchmark

SAN JOSE, Calif.--Ultra low power microcontrollers will get a new yard stick by this fall from the Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium. EMBC’s ULP benchmark will measure energy consumed running workloads for chips targeting portable medical devices, security systems, building automation, smart meters and other devices that aim to run for years on a single battery.

“When these devices are in real low power modes it is not just about their execution times but how well they use sleep modes, how often they have to wake up processors and how much energy they waste,” said EEMBC President Markus Levy. “We will simulate measurements over a year or even a decade,” he said.

Just how the benchmark will operate is still under discussion by a working group headed by Horst Diewald, chief architect of MSP430 microcontrollers at Texas Instruments. Other companies represented in the group include Analog Devices, ARM, Microchip, Renesas and STMicroelectronics.

Atmel, Energy Micro and Silicon Labs have joined EMBC also are members of the working group. Lockheed Martin is an observer on the effort and an EMBC board member.

“We would like to have more system companies participate at least as advisers,” said Levy. “Once we get our first phase out, we may get more participants from systems companies."

Membership to EMBC costs $75,000 for the first year. The ULP group hopes to have an alpha version of its benchmark out to members before April and a publicly available version in the fall.

Related stories:
  • Group rolls new Android benchmark
  • Fundamentals of Microcontrollers

TAG:Ultra Low Power Microcontrollers Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium Low Power Texas Instruments Benchmarks Microcontrollers



《2011年度寿山石市场分析报告》封面 《2011年度寿山石市场分析报告》封面

  本报讯 记者林娟 昨日,记者了解到,福建省民间艺术馆[微博]将于春节后发布《2012年度寿山石市场分析报告》,这本报告被寿山石行业称之为“寿山石市场白皮书”.业内人士告诉记者,省民间艺术馆每年发布一份白皮书,不仅意味着我省寿山石市场有了专业的市场研究成果, 也忠实的记录了每年寿山石市场的行情演变,对行业未来的发展具有非常积极的参考意义.







  研究市场现状 研判市场走势










TAG:寿山石白皮书打造行业权威报告 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

Ultra low power controllers get new benchmark

Ultra low power controllers get new benchmark

SAN JOSE, Calif.--Ultra low power microcontrollers will get a new yard stick by this fall from the Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium. EMBC’s ULP benchmark will measure energy consumed running workloads for chips targeting portable medical devices, security systems, building automation, smart meters and other devices that aim to run for years on a single battery.

“When these devices are in real low power modes it is not just about their execution times but how well they use sleep modes, how often they have to wake up processors and how much energy they waste,” said EEMBC President Markus Levy. “We will simulate measurements over a year or even a decade,” he said.

Just how the benchmark will operate is still under discussion by a working group headed by Horst Diewald, chief architect of MSP430 microcontrollers at Texas Instruments. Other companies represented in the group include Analog Devices, ARM, Microchip, Renesas and STMicroelectronics.

Atmel, Energy Micro and Silicon Labs have joined EMBC also are members of the working group. Lockheed Martin is an observer on the effort and an EMBC board member.

“We would like to have more system companies participate at least as advisers,” said Levy. “Once we get our first phase out, we may get more participants from systems companies."

Membership to EMBC costs $75,000 for the first year. The ULP group hopes to have an alpha version of its benchmark out to members before April and a publicly available version in the fall.

Related stories:
  • Group rolls new Android benchmark
  • Fundamentals of Microcontrollers

TAG:Ultra Low Power Microcontrollers Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium Low Power Texas Instruments Benchmarks Microcontrollers




  “香奈儿[微博]的‘Bijouxde Diamants’钻石珠宝展,1932年11月7日至19日,在香奈儿女士宅邸举行,巴黎圣奥诺雷街29号。”

  《L’Intransigeant》日报于1932年10月26日抢先发布了这条独家新闻:“11月7日,全球知名的服装设计师首次创作的高级珠宝设计系列,将揭开神秘面纱。这一次所发布的作品非常特别,不再是她过去经常为点缀服装所设计的服饰珠宝,而是铂金镶钻的高级珠宝系列。” 《L’Intransigeant》日报接着报道,这次香奈儿女士的高级珠宝设计,展现了两项新特色:首先,珠宝镶嵌设计得简洁轻盈,完全烘托出钻石之美。其次,珠宝设计得灵活曼妙,可以随着心情自由变化出多种佩戴方式,展现不同风姿。例如,星星主题的首饰,可以是一条闪耀在粉颈上的项链,亦或化身为一枚胸针,或置于手镯中央,成为视线焦点。


  她向《L’Illustration》周刊**的记者阿尔伯特·弗拉芒(Albert Flament)透露,她的灵感只是简单地来自巴黎的星空。她沿着香榭丽舍大道信步前行,街上闪烁着五光十色的广告,夜空繁星璀璨,一弯新月挂在天际。“为何要舍近求远?”就这么,启发了她无限创意。

  香奈儿女士在表述对“Bijouxde Diamants”钻石珠宝系列充满诗意的设计理念时,当然是诚恳的,但也许,连她自己也没有意识到,她对于星星、月亮、马耳他十字架的钟爱可以回溯至孩提时代。对幼时的经历,她向来缄口不言,她以自己独特的方式,重塑而且美化了这段时光。1895年,香奈儿12岁时母亲辞世,父亲将她遗弃在科雷兹省的奥巴辛修道院。每天清晨,幼小的嘉柏丽尔和修道院的其他寄宿生一起,去教堂望弥撒。她们会经过一条长长的走廊,长廊地面的鹅卵石铺成弯月、星星、马耳他十字架等图案,这些充满宗教象征意味的图案就此深深地铭刻在她的记忆中。





TAG:香奈儿 Chanel 珠宝 1932 香奈儿1932年钻石珠宝展













  碧玺非水晶 水晶非宝石




















  采写:南都记者 刘艳艳


TAG:年关三类水晶受追捧 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

Young engineers speak out at DesignCon

Young engineers speak out at DesignCon

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – The next generation of engineers wants more role models, a society more tolerant of female professionals and all the messy imperfections of people who like to pull things apart--and as much encouragement as they can get. Otherwise, they are coming along just fine, thank you.

That was the message from a panel of five young engineers at DesignCon here. Most credited parents and teachers with getting them on the engineering path.

“My dad is an engineer and he said I could do whatever I wanted as long as it was engineering, but up until last year I thought engineering was one of the most boring things you could do,” said Shachi Nandan Kakkar, a high school senior from Cupertino, Calif.

After his father encouraged him to write a blog for EDN, he realized “engineering is more interesting than people give it credit for—it’s so broad, there’s hundreds of things you can do, so find your niche and go after it,” he said.

A female high school physics teacher was mentor to Amanda Pratt, now working on a masters in engineering at the University of California at Berkeley.

“It was my favorite class from the first day, thanks to encouragement from her and my father who is an engineer,” said Pratt who has been accepted to the 2016 class at the Harvard Business School. “I decided I wanted to do something that mattered and have a career with an impact,” she added.

“I’m an engineer by birth,” recalled Andrew Milluzzi, 23-year-old doctoral student at the University of Florida. “Once I was playing with Legos and my Mom said, ‘one day you will be an engineer,’ and I said, ‘but, Mom I don’t want to drive trains,” said Milluzzi who went on to become one of the youngest LabView architects certified by National Instruments.

Kakkar (left) and Milluzzi shared their enthusiasm for engineering.
TAG:Young Engineers Role Models Students Engineering Engineers Heroes Stereotypes DesignCon

Young engineers speak out at DesignCon

Young engineers speak out at DesignCon

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – The next generation of engineers wants more role models, a society more tolerant of female professionals and all the messy imperfections of people who like to pull things apart--and as much encouragement as they can get. Otherwise, they are coming along just fine, thank you.

That was the message from a panel of five young engineers at DesignCon here. Most credited parents and teachers with getting them on the engineering path.

“My dad is an engineer and he said I could do whatever I wanted as long as it was engineering, but up until last year I thought engineering was one of the most boring things you could do,” said Shachi Nandan Kakkar, a high school senior from Cupertino, Calif.

After his father encouraged him to write a blog for EDN, he realized “engineering is more interesting than people give it credit for—it’s so broad, there’s hundreds of things you can do, so find your niche and go after it,” he said.

A female high school physics teacher was mentor to Amanda Pratt, now working on a masters in engineering at the University of California at Berkeley.

“It was my favorite class from the first day, thanks to encouragement from her and my father who is an engineer,” said Pratt who has been accepted to the 2016 class at the Harvard Business School. “I decided I wanted to do something that mattered and have a career with an impact,” she added.

“I’m an engineer by birth,” recalled Andrew Milluzzi, 23-year-old doctoral student at the University of Florida. “Once I was playing with Legos and my Mom said, ‘one day you will be an engineer,’ and I said, ‘but, Mom I don’t want to drive trains,” said Milluzzi who went on to become one of the youngest LabView architects certified by National Instruments.

Kakkar (left) and Milluzzi shared their enthusiasm for engineering.
TAG:Young Engineers Role Models Students Engineering Engineers Heroes Stereotypes DesignCon







  1、只有是天然 A 货,才会出具结果是"翡翠"的证书;








  放大检测:纤维交织结构(这是翡翠特有的一种结构).或片状闪光结构 ;  

  吸收光谱:437nm 吸收线(是翡翠特有的吸收光谱);






TAG:学会看翡翠鉴定证书 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻


London Calling: Flash Forward at the leading edge?

London Calling: Flash Forward at the leading edge?

SanDisk Corp. (Milpitas, Calif.), a leading supplier of data storage products, has announced it intends to begin the transition of its flash products to 1Y-nm generation semiconductors in the third quarter of 2013.

The company is already producing high volumes of 19-nm based products, more than 50 percent of its output in 4Q12, although 24-nm flash memory will have a "tail" that will last throughout 2013, the company said in a recent conference call to discuss its 4Q12 financial results.

In fact SanDisk's announcement means that Flash Forward Ltd., a manufacturing joint venture between Toshiba and SanDisk with a relatively new Fab 5 300-mm wafer fab at Toshiba's Yokkaichi campus in Mie prefecture, Japan, will be making close the most miniaturized commercial integrated circuits in the history of the semiconductor industry. That is unless one of the few rivals, IM Flash Technologies, Samsung or SK Hynix can get there first.

The SanDisk roadmap has the 1Y-nm process lowering the cost of 128-Gbit memory ICs in 2013 and a 1Z-nm process taking monolithic memory to 256-Gbits in 2014. But judging who is most miniaturized all depends on how you define the 1Y-nm generation.

Over the last few years flash memory producers have started to become increasingly coy about declaring the minimum feature size of their processes. It started when one of the companies, I forget which, started talking of 30-nm class and 20-nm class manufacturing processes. By this the company meant a process with a minimum geometry between 30-nm and 39-nm and between 20-nm and 29-nm, respectively.

The other manufacturers quickly followed suit.

The psychology seems to be that if a company went public with the geometry detail before they got into volume manufacturing there would be concerns that a rival would somehow trump them and steal business. Of course once a product is out on the market it is possible for reverse engineering consultancies to cross-section chips and make independent assessments of the minimum geometry.

This is way of labeling chip generations is slightly different to the logic business where for each node a number is given but the nomenclature is becoming increasingly arbitrary. We have the prospect of 16-nm and 14-nm FinFET nodes coming in 2013 or 2014 that will use 20-nm back-end processes and are effectively 20-nm processes.

What we now know is that for Flash Forward, Toshiba and SanDisk, the 2X-nm node is a 24-nm node, while the 1X-nm node is 19-nm node. This would seem to put 1Y-nm at somewhere around 15-nm or 14-nm. That would give some room for the 1Z-nm generation to come in at 11- or 10-nm, which is now being touted as the last possible generation of NAND flash. We will see.

Related links and articles:


News articles:

SanDisk sampling 19-nm embedded NAND

ISSCC: Memory firms detail sub-20-nm NAND chips

ISSCC: SanDisk set to show highest density NAND flash

TAG:Peter Clarke London Calling Flash Forward SanDisk flash memory production manufacturing semiconductor

London Calling: Flash Forward at the leading edge?

London Calling: Flash Forward at the leading edge?

SanDisk Corp. (Milpitas, Calif.), a leading supplier of data storage products, has announced it intends to begin the transition of its flash products to 1Y-nm generation semiconductors in the third quarter of 2013.

The company is already producing high volumes of 19-nm based products, more than 50 percent of its output in 4Q12, although 24-nm flash memory will have a "tail" that will last throughout 2013, the company said in a recent conference call to discuss its 4Q12 financial results.

In fact SanDisk's announcement means that Flash Forward Ltd., a manufacturing joint venture between Toshiba and SanDisk with a relatively new Fab 5 300-mm wafer fab at Toshiba's Yokkaichi campus in Mie prefecture, Japan, will be making close the most miniaturized commercial integrated circuits in the history of the semiconductor industry. That is unless one of the few rivals, IM Flash Technologies, Samsung or SK Hynix can get there first.

The SanDisk roadmap has the 1Y-nm process lowering the cost of 128-Gbit memory ICs in 2013 and a 1Z-nm process taking monolithic memory to 256-Gbits in 2014. But judging who is most miniaturized all depends on how you define the 1Y-nm generation.

Over the last few years flash memory producers have started to become increasingly coy about declaring the minimum feature size of their processes. It started when one of the companies, I forget which, started talking of 30-nm class and 20-nm class manufacturing processes. By this the company meant a process with a minimum geometry between 30-nm and 39-nm and between 20-nm and 29-nm, respectively.

The other manufacturers quickly followed suit.

The psychology seems to be that if a company went public with the geometry detail before they got into volume manufacturing there would be concerns that a rival would somehow trump them and steal business. Of course once a product is out on the market it is possible for reverse engineering consultancies to cross-section chips and make independent assessments of the minimum geometry.

This is way of labeling chip generations is slightly different to the logic business where for each node a number is given but the nomenclature is becoming increasingly arbitrary. We have the prospect of 16-nm and 14-nm FinFET nodes coming in 2013 or 2014 that will use 20-nm back-end processes and are effectively 20-nm processes.

What we now know is that for Flash Forward, Toshiba and SanDisk, the 2X-nm node is a 24-nm node, while the 1X-nm node is 19-nm node. This would seem to put 1Y-nm at somewhere around 15-nm or 14-nm. That would give some room for the 1Z-nm generation to come in at 11- or 10-nm, which is now being touted as the last possible generation of NAND flash. We will see.

Related links and articles:


News articles:

SanDisk sampling 19-nm embedded NAND

ISSCC: Memory firms detail sub-20-nm NAND chips

ISSCC: SanDisk set to show highest density NAND flash

TAG:Peter Clarke London Calling Flash Forward SanDisk flash memory production manufacturing semiconductor

London Calling: Flash Forward to make the most miniaturized chips?

London Calling: Flash Forward to make the most miniaturized chips?

SanDisk Corp. (Milpitas, Calif.), a leading supplier of data storage products, has announced it intends to begin the transition of its flash products to 1Y-nm generation semiconductors in the third quarter of 2013.

The company is already producing high volumes of 19-nm based products, more than 50 percent of its output in 4Q12, although 24-nm flash memory will have a "tail" that will last throughout 2013, the company said in a recent conference call to discuss its 4Q12 financial results.

In fact SanDisk's announcement means that Flash Forward Ltd., a manufacturing joint venture between Toshiba and SanDisk with a relatively new Fab 5 300-mm wafer fab at Toshiba's Yokkaichi campus in Mie prefecture, Japan, will be making close the most miniaturized commercial integrated circuits in the history of the semiconductor industry. That is unless one of the few rivals, IM Flash Technologies, Samsung or SK Hynix can get there first.

The SanDisk roadmap has the 1Y-nm process lowering the cost of 128-Gbit memory ICs in 2013 and a 1Z-nm process taking monolithic memory to 256-Gbits in 2014. But judging who is most miniaturized all depends on how you define the 1Y-nm generation.

Over the last few years flash memory producers have started to become increasingly coy about declaring the minimum feature size of their processes. It started when one of the companies, I forget which, started talking of 30-nm class and 20-nm class manufacturing processes. By this the company meant a process with a minimum geometry between 30-nm and 39-nm and between 20-nm and 29-nm, respectively.

The other manufacturers quickly followed suit.

The psychology seems to be that if a company went public with the geometry detail before they got into volume manufacturing there would be concerns that a rival would somehow trump them and steal business. Of course once a product is out on the market it is possible for reverse engineering consultancies to cross-section chips and make independent assessments of the minimum geometry.

This is way of labeling chip generations is slightly different to the logic business where for each node a number is given but the nomenclature is becoming increasingly arbitrary. We have the prospect of 16-nm and 14-nm FinFET nodes coming in 2013 or 2014 that will use 20-nm back-end processes and are effectively 20-nm processes.

What we now know is that for Flash Forward, Toshiba and SanDisk, the 2X-nm node is a 24-nm node, while the 1X-nm node is 19-nm node. This would seem to put 1Y-nm at somewhere around 15-nm or 14-nm. That would give some room for the 1Z-nm generation to come in at 11- or 10-nm, which is now being touted as the last possible generation of NAND flash. We will see.

Related links and articles:


News articles:

SanDisk sampling 19-nm embedded NAND

ISSCC: Memory firms detail sub-20-nm NAND chips

ISSCC: SanDisk set to show highest density NAND flash

TAG:Peter Clarke London Calling Flash Forward SanDisk flash memory production manufacturing semiconductor

Slideshow: Hanging out at a hardware hackathon

Slideshow: Hanging out at a hardware hackathon

SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- The pizza, trail mix and sodas flowed freely as nearly 100 engineers joined a hardware hackathon at the Open Compute Summit here Jan. 16, hammering out creative ideas to solve data center problems.

TAG:Open Compute Summit Data Centers Hackathon Facebook Servers

London Calling: Flash Forward to make the most miniaturized chips?

London Calling: Flash Forward to make the most miniaturized chips?

SanDisk Corp. (Milpitas, Calif.), a leading supplier of data storage products, has announced it intends to begin the transition of its flash products to 1Y-nm generation semiconductors in the third quarter of 2013.

The company is already producing high volumes of 19-nm based products, more than 50 percent of its output in 4Q12, although 24-nm flash memory will have a "tail" that will last throughout 2013, the company said in a recent conference call to discuss its 4Q12 financial results.

In fact SanDisk's announcement means that Flash Forward Ltd., a manufacturing joint venture between Toshiba and SanDisk with a relatively new Fab 5 300-mm wafer fab at Toshiba's Yokkaichi campus in Mie prefecture, Japan, will be making close the most miniaturized commercial integrated circuits in the history of the semiconductor industry. That is unless one of the few rivals, IM Flash Technologies, Samsung or SK Hynix can get there first.

The SanDisk roadmap has the 1Y-nm process lowering the cost of 128-Gbit memory ICs in 2013 and a 1Z-nm process taking monolithic memory to 256-Gbits in 2014. But judging who is most miniaturized all depends on how you define the 1Y-nm generation.

Over the last few years flash memory producers have started to become increasingly coy about declaring the minimum feature size of their processes. It started when one of the companies, I forget which, started talking of 30-nm class and 20-nm class manufacturing processes. By this the company meant a process with a minimum geometry between 30-nm and 39-nm and between 20-nm and 29-nm, respectively.

The other manufacturers quickly followed suit.

The psychology seems to be that if a company went public with the geometry detail before they got into volume manufacturing there would be concerns that a rival would somehow trump them and steal business. Of course once a product is out on the market it is possible for reverse engineering consultancies to cross-section chips and make independent assessments of the minimum geometry.

This is way of labeling chip generations is slightly different to the logic business where for each node a number is given but the nomenclature is becoming increasingly arbitrary. We have the prospect of 16-nm and 14-nm FinFET nodes coming in 2013 or 2014 that will use 20-nm back-end processes and are effectively 20-nm processes.

What we now know is that for Flash Forward, Toshiba and SanDisk, the 2X-nm node is a 24-nm node, while the 1X-nm node is 19-nm node. This would seem to put 1Y-nm at somewhere around 15-nm or 14-nm. That would give some room for the 1Z-nm generation to come in at 11- or 10-nm, which is now being touted as the last possible generation of NAND flash. We will see.

Related links and articles:


News articles:

SanDisk sampling 19-nm embedded NAND

ISSCC: Memory firms detail sub-20-nm NAND chips

ISSCC: SanDisk set to show highest density NAND flash

TAG:Peter Clarke London Calling Flash Forward SanDisk flash memory production manufacturing semiconductor

Slideshow: Hanging out at a hardware hackathon

Slideshow: Hanging out at a hardware hackathon

SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- The pizza, trail mix and sodas flowed freely as nearly 100 engineers joined a hardware hackathon at the Open Compute Summit here Jan. 16, hammering out creative ideas to solve data center problems.

TAG:Open Compute Summit Data Centers Hackathon Facebook Servers

Broadcom rolls SoC switches for enterprise

Broadcom rolls SoC switches for enterprise

PORTLAND, Ore.—Broadcom Corp., which already boasts that 99.98 percent of all data traffic crosses one of its chips, rolled out Monday (Jan. 28) a new portfolio of system-on-chip (SoC) switches for the enterprise—from wiring closet to datacenter—as well as a for smaller and medium-sized businesses.

"Our newest additions to the popular StrataXGS Series simplify the provisioning and monitoring of mobile user traffic," said Nikhil Desai, product line manager at Broadcom. "StrataXGS provides a secure, seamless and high-speed connection to the enterprise data center or cloud-computing resource."

The three new StrataXGS members combines gigabit Ethernet switching and routing with an ARM-core, IP firewall, WLAN controller, network virtualization, 40G stacking, and are designed for connecting the entire enterprise, from wiring closet to datacenter to cloud-storage resources.

Switching and routing 120Gbits per second line-rate from large forwarding tables, the new StrataXGS SoCs also apply deep-packet inspecting techniques to distribute firewall functions across all access ports. Called App-IQ, it allows IT to monitor and control provisioning of wireless access points in a unified view with wired resources.

Broadcom (Irvine, Calif.) also announced what it claims is the world's smartest switch SoC for small to medium business. As the newest addition to its StrataConnect Series, the latest entry features advanced power management techniques that batch-and-burst network traffic, in order to keep the switch in low-power mode as much as possible.

"StrataConnect is switch system-on-a-chip (SoC) that brings enterprise-class features to the network of the small-to-medium business (SMB)," said Sanjay Kumar, product line director for SMB at Broadcom. "The StrataConnect SoC combines Layer 2 and 3 switching, 16-gigabit Ethernet PHY [physical layer] transceivers and an ARM core onto a single piece of silicon."

The 10Gbit Ethernet switch SoC has scalable table sizes, integrated security features and an ARM core, making the StrataConnect SoC smart enough to extend the Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) protocol by batching and bursting network traffic, which is especially useful in small offices that must support mobile traffic, VoIP phones and cloud services.

Related stories:
  • Broadcom Introduces World's Most Advanced Switch SoC for SMB Networks
  • Broadcom Unveils New Line of Enterprise Switch SoCs For Growing BYOD and Mobility Requirements
  • Kotura preps fab deal amid silicon photonics surge
  • Chelsio revs Ethernet NICs up to 40 Gbit/s
  • UltraGig: Proprietary blunder or 60GHz future?

TAG:Broadcom SoC Business Enterprise Switch

Broadcom rolls SoC switches for enterprise

Broadcom rolls SoC switches for enterprise

PORTLAND, Ore.—Broadcom Corp., which already boasts that 99.98 percent of all data traffic crosses one of its chips, rolled out Monday (Jan. 28) a new portfolio of system-on-chip (SoC) switches for the enterprise—from wiring closet to datacenter—as well as a for smaller and medium-sized businesses.

"Our newest additions to the popular StrataXGS Series simplify the provisioning and monitoring of mobile user traffic," said Nikhil Desai, product line manager at Broadcom. "StrataXGS provides a secure, seamless and high-speed connection to the enterprise data center or cloud-computing resource."

The three new StrataXGS members combines gigabit Ethernet switching and routing with an ARM-core, IP firewall, WLAN controller, network virtualization, 40G stacking, and are designed for connecting the entire enterprise, from wiring closet to datacenter to cloud-storage resources.

Switching and routing 120Gbits per second line-rate from large forwarding tables, the new StrataXGS SoCs also apply deep-packet inspecting techniques to distribute firewall functions across all access ports. Called App-IQ, it allows IT to monitor and control provisioning of wireless access points in a unified view with wired resources.

Broadcom (Irvine, Calif.) also announced what it claims is the world's smartest switch SoC for small to medium business. As the newest addition to its StrataConnect Series, the latest entry features advanced power management techniques that batch-and-burst network traffic, in order to keep the switch in low-power mode as much as possible.

"StrataConnect is switch system-on-a-chip (SoC) that brings enterprise-class features to the network of the small-to-medium business (SMB)," said Sanjay Kumar, product line director for SMB at Broadcom. "The StrataConnect SoC combines Layer 2 and 3 switching, 16-gigabit Ethernet PHY [physical layer] transceivers and an ARM core onto a single piece of silicon."

The 10Gbit Ethernet switch SoC has scalable table sizes, integrated security features and an ARM core, making the StrataConnect SoC smart enough to extend the Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) protocol by batching and bursting network traffic, which is especially useful in small offices that must support mobile traffic, VoIP phones and cloud services.

Related stories:
  • Broadcom Introduces World's Most Advanced Switch SoC for SMB Networks
  • Broadcom Unveils New Line of Enterprise Switch SoCs For Growing BYOD and Mobility Requirements
  • Kotura preps fab deal amid silicon photonics surge
  • Chelsio revs Ethernet NICs up to 40 Gbit/s
  • UltraGig: Proprietary blunder or 60GHz future?

TAG:Broadcom SoC Business Enterprise Switch






TAG:记民国玉器制作大家董正通 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

Android benchmark gets update, publishes online

Android benchmark gets update, publishes online

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium has gathered a database comparing processor performance of some 1,500 Android phones and tablets using a new tool released in late December. Now EEMBC is working on an update of its Android benchmark that will show more nuances of Android mobile device performance at the system level.

The December update to version 1.0 of the AndEBench automatically posts results after it is run to an open, online database on the EEMBC Web site. In terms of native processor performance, the Asus PadFone 2 currently tops the list with a score of 11,558, despite the fact it has relatively little market traction.

Members of Samsung’s Galaxy family, LG’s Optimus handsets and a Sharp phone are closely packed into second, third and fourth paces with scores ranging from 11,367 to 10,334. A wide variety of other devices from many manufactures are scattered out across the performance spectrum.

Google’s Nexus 7 and 10 ranked relatively low on the native benchmark at 8,565 and 6,650 respectively. The Motorola Defy XT handset is the dog of the group, scoring just 96 points.

In terms of Java performance, the Huawei Ascend D1 Quad tops the list at 458. It is again followed by several Samsung Galaxy and LG Optimus handsets at 405 to 370. Google’s Nexus 7 and 10 fare somewhat better here with scores of 303 and 378 respectively.

The database shows Qualcomm’s wide use among phones from many vendors and geographies. It also shows a wide variety of vendors unknown in the U.S., mainly from China and India.

The next version of AndEBench will measure memory, graphics and other system features in addition to processor performance, including tasks such as GUI rendering, XML parsing and cryptography. It will also report on how a device handles a specific task, breaking down each major point in processing the job in a story board format.

It’s unclear when the new version will be ready. The working group behind it, chaired by Ronen Zohar, an Intel Android specialist, is well attended, said an EEMBC spokesman.

AndEBench can be downloaded for free from GooglePlay and the Amazon Appstore for Android. The working group is open to new participants willing to become EEMC members at a cost of $75,000 for the first year.

Related stories:
  • Group rolls new Android benchmark
  • Embedded browser benchmark released

TAG:Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium Android Benchmark AndEBench Android Benchmark EEMC Samsung Google LG Asus Motorola

Android benchmark gets update, publishes online

Android benchmark gets update, publishes online

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium has gathered a database comparing processor performance of some 1,500 Android phones and tablets using a new tool released in late December. Now EEMBC is working on an update of its Android benchmark that will show more nuances of Android mobile device performance at the system level.

The December update to version 1.0 of the AndEBench automatically posts results after it is run to an open, online database on the EEMBC Web site. In terms of native processor performance, the Asus PadFone 2 currently tops the list with a score of 11,558, despite the fact it has relatively little market traction.

Members of Samsung’s Galaxy family, LG’s Optimus handsets and a Sharp phone are closely packed into second, third and fourth paces with scores ranging from 11,367 to 10,334. A wide variety of other devices from many manufactures are scattered out across the performance spectrum.

Google’s Nexus 7 and 10 ranked relatively low on the native benchmark at 8,565 and 6,650 respectively. The Motorola Defy XT handset is the dog of the group, scoring just 96 points.

In terms of Java performance, the Huawei Ascend D1 Quad tops the list at 458. It is again followed by several Samsung Galaxy and LG Optimus handsets at 405 to 370. Google’s Nexus 7 and 10 fare somewhat better here with scores of 303 and 378 respectively.

The database shows Qualcomm’s wide use among phones from many vendors and geographies. It also shows a wide variety of vendors unknown in the U.S., mainly from China and India.

The next version of AndEBench will measure memory, graphics and other system features in addition to processor performance, including tasks such as GUI rendering, XML parsing and cryptography. It will also report on how a device handles a specific task, breaking down each major point in processing the job in a story board format.

It’s unclear when the new version will be ready. The working group behind it, chaired by Ronen Zohar, an Intel Android specialist, is well attended, said an EEMBC spokesman.

AndEBench can be downloaded for free from GooglePlay and the Amazon Appstore for Android. The working group is open to new participants willing to become EEMC members at a cost of $75,000 for the first year.

Related stories:
  • Group rolls new Android benchmark
  • Embedded browser benchmark released

TAG:Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium Android Benchmark AndEBench Android Benchmark EEMC Samsung Google LG Asus Motorola


Chinese IC market boom predicted

Chinese IC market boom predicted

LONDON – The Chinese market for ICs is set to experience a compound annual growth rate of 13 percent over the period 2012 to 2017, five percentage points higher than the CAGR forecast for the global IC market over the same period.

The Chinese market will move from move from $81 billion in 2012 to reach $148 billion in 2017. IC Insights states that the worldwide chip market will be $389.3 billion in that year and that China is expected to represent 38 percent of the worldwide IC market (see figure below), up from 23 percent ten years earlier in 2007.

China-based manufacturing of chips is also expected to boom over the next five years but from a much lower level. IC production in China represented 11.2 percent of the $81 billion market in 2012.

A strong CAGR over the period 2012 to 2017 of 16.5 percent will take China-based IC production from about $9.1 billion in 2012 to $19.5 billion in 2017 which would only represent about 5 percent of the global chip production.

Click on image to enlarge.

China's IC market share forecast. Source: IC Insights.

Click on image to enlarge.

China IC market versus China IC production. Source: IC Insights.

IC Insights said that future IC production is highly dependent on inward investment from such companies as Intel, Samsung, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. and SK-Hynix.

Related links and articles:


News articles:

China fab recruits Chartered veteran as CEO

Samsung China wafer fabs gets the OK

Intel breaks ground on China fab

TAG:IC Insights China fabs market chips semiconductors IC Intel Samsung TSMC SK Hynix

Chinese IC market boom predicted

Chinese IC market boom predicted

LONDON – The Chinese market for ICs is set to experience a compound annual growth rate of 13 percent over the period 2012 to 2017, five percentage points higher than the CAGR forecast for the global IC market over the same period.

The Chinese market will move from move from $81 billion in 2012 to reach $148 billion in 2017. IC Insights states that the worldwide chip market will be $389.3 billion in that year and that China is expected to represent 38 percent of the worldwide IC market (see figure below), up from 23 percent ten years earlier in 2007.

China-based manufacturing of chips is also expected to boom over the next five years but from a much lower level. IC production in China represented 11.2 percent of the $81 billion market in 2012.

A strong CAGR over the period 2012 to 2017 of 16.5 percent will take China-based IC production from about $9.1 billion in 2012 to $19.5 billion in 2017 which would only represent about 5 percent of the global chip production.

Click on image to enlarge.

China's IC market share forecast. Source: IC Insights.

Click on image to enlarge.

China IC market versus China IC production. Source: IC Insights.

IC Insights said that future IC production is highly dependent on inward investment from such companies as Intel, Samsung, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. and SK-Hynix.

Related links and articles:


News articles:

China fab recruits Chartered veteran as CEO

Samsung China wafer fabs gets the OK

Intel breaks ground on China fab

TAG:IC Insights China fabs market chips semiconductors IC Intel Samsung TSMC SK Hynix

China fab recruits Chartered veteran as CEO

China fab recruits Chartered veteran as CEO

LONDON – Wuhan Xinxin Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. (WXIC), a maker of NOR flash memories on 300-mm wafers, has appointed Simon Yang as CEO.

One of Yang's first imperatives will be to build an internationally qualified executive team, the company said. It is not yet clear whether Yang intends to change the product manufacturing strategy of the company. As well as manufacturing NOR flash memories WXIC describes itself as a foundry offering manufacturing processes at 90-nm and 45-nm technology nodes.

WXIC was formed by the local government of Wuhan district of China and originally managed on its behalf by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (Beijing, China). The fab started production in 2008 and the management deal evolved into an investment relationship in 2011.

Yang had previously held positions as chief technology officer and senior vice president of operations for Chartered Semiconductor (Singapore), which is now part of Globalfoundries Inc. (Milpitas, Calif.). He also worked at Intel for many years where his last position was as senior director of logic technology development. Yang received his PhD in materials engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

"We have an excellent foundation for 300-mm manufacturing capacity, and are well-positioned to implement aggressive technology initiatives," said Yang, in a statement.

Jizeng Wang, chairman of WXIC, said: "We are delighted to have someone of Dr. Yang's caliber and stature to lead WXIC. His past experiences, proven technical understanding, and management expertise will enable us to strengthen the company's global competitiveness and open new opportunities for us."

Related links and articles:


News articles:

SMIC to invest $1 billion in Wuhan fab

SMIC changes course with Wuhan fab

SMIC revamps fab deals, confirms capital infusion

TAG:wafer fab Simon Yang Wuhan Xinxin China semiconductor NOR flash memory 300 mm



  当爱人们互诉衷肠之时,如星光闪烁的美钻是最好的聆听者,亦是最完美的见证者。为庆祝情人节到来,周生生[微博]特别推出“Pt Loving Hearts铂金心影”系列产品,以圆润线条之优雅表现,彰显恒久如初的浪漫情怀。同时推出的还有“Infini Love全爱钻”、“Infinity永恒之约”在内的多款钻饰系列,借钻石之恒久璀璨,结合简单的线条设计,为爱人们送上最为真挚虔诚的甜蜜爱意。

  “Pt Loving Hearts铂金心影” 恒久如初的浪漫爱恋

  爱情是空气,看不见摸不着,却无时无刻都需要,爱情是水,形态多样,谁都渴望。以铂金之恒久不变的珍贵特征,见证女人在变幻世界中的不变之质,强调女性独有的脱俗特质,以及对于爱情的坚贞信仰之情。周生生旗下“Pt Loving Hearts铂金心影”系列,以尽收天地灵气的纯净铂金和醉人美钻,为沉浸在爱情中的都市女性记录了一道道闪烁着浪漫爱情回忆的璀璨星河。铂金美钻贴心伴随,让永恒璀璨的星火见证恒久不变的浪漫爱恋,让爱的能量用在心间。即使时光流转,也要坚守浓情蜜意亘古不变。

  Infini Love“全爱钻” 满满都是爱

  是独一无二的闪耀倩影,是星星点点的甜蜜故事,爱人们的生活里总有着各种各样的情节上演,但恒久不变的,是唯一的执着。一改传统镶嵌工艺的单调,Infini Love“全爱钻”充满创意地采用了心形爪的设计,不仅使整个设计看上去更为灵动精巧,同时也承载了情人间的甜蜜爱意,而传承自比利时安特卫普专业及精准无误的车工技巧切割而成的Infini Love“全爱钻”所秉承的完美比例((Perfect Proportions)、 完美对称 (PerfectSymmetry) 及完美磨光 (Perfect Polish)的三重完美要求,则传递了爱人们对于完美爱情的追求,完整对称的八心八箭则是爱情多面化的另类演绎,让人总有想要亲手触摸并捧在手心的坚持。

  “Infinity 永恒之约”见证不朽恋爱 共话天长地久

  是不变的誓言,亦是坚守的情怀,恋爱原本就是两人相携一生的浪漫故事。周生生“Infinity 永恒之约”情人节钻饰系列著意用夺目的单钻设计,来突出爱人在对方心中唯一之重要地位,同时简化线条,以极致简约之美来诠释爱情之纯粹。优雅流畅的草书线条所镌刻的“Infinity”更是充满对爱情的美好寄语,卷首“I”字更采用花体之手法,借“∞”符号之永恒无限,寄托爱人们对于细水长流的爱情之向往。

TAG:周生生 钻饰 珠宝 永恒 周生生情人节浪漫钻饰

b货翡翠鉴别 玉观音_玉貔貅_价格_图片_收藏_鉴赏—妙瑞可翡翠网

b货翡翠鉴别 玉观音_玉貔貅_价格_图片_收藏_鉴赏—妙瑞可翡翠网


    A 货翡翠就是在未经任何人工处理的、纯天然的翡翠玉石。a货翡翠经过多年的佩带,与人的肌肤不断接触摩擦,玉质会更加润泽,而人体也会得到保健作用,佩带者的心情也很愉悦,这便是常言所说的“人养玉,玉养人”的道理。 而所谓B 货翡翠,是将质量欠佳的天然翡翠,用酸液浸泡,使之去脏、去黄,并进行注胶(酸洗轻微时可不注胶)处理后,使其种、水、色均得到提高的翡翠。由于其关键步骤是酸洗过程,所以我国南方也称之为“洗澡”或“冲凉”翡翠。 

妙瑞可 糯冰种癣加绿马到成功天然翡翠吊坠



    那么佩戴b货翡翠好不好呢?通过很多实例证明,B 货翡翠在处理过程中受到了酸的腐蚀,虽然去掉了翡翠中的脏,增加了透明度,保留了原有的绿色,增加了地与色的对比度,但翡翠的结构出现了微细裂隙和空洞,所以要在高温高压下将胶压入其裂隙和空洞中,这样翡翠的种、水、色均得到了提高,宛如高档的天然翡翠。然而,随着时间的推移,充填入翡翠的胶慢慢老化脱落,翡翠渐渐变得痕迹斑斑,失去了光彩。 

妙瑞可 冰种淡黄翡仿古龙天然翡翠吊坠


B 货翡翠鉴别方法: 


    2、 光泽较弱,多呈树脂光泽,不及“ A 货”翡翠的近玻璃光泽; 

    3、 结构较为松散。放大检查可见晶体颗粒被错开、位移,失去方向性; 


    5、密度和折射率通常均相对低于“ A 货”翡翠; 


    7、轻轻敲击“ B 货”翡翠手镯,其声音发闷,而“ A 货”翡翠手镯的声音清脆悦耳。 


妙瑞可 冰种春带彩玉佛天然翡翠吊坠


本文主要介绍了:b货翡翠鉴别方法    b货翡翠    文章来源:妙瑞可翡翠商城








  世界上最大的钻石是著名的库利南钻石,重达 3106.75克拉,是迄今为止发现的最大宝石级别的钻石原石。库利南钻石被分割成了105颗钻石,最大的“库里南1号”,也称为“非洲之星”,重达 530.20克拉,镶嵌在英国爱德华国王的权杖上,现存于伦敦塔内。



  这是一枚3克拉红钻,艳丽的红色和完美的切割使得这颗罕见的红色钻石充满圣诞气息。它是美国宝石学院 (GIA)鉴定过的最大的圆形梦幻红橙色宝石,估计价值在70万-120万美元之间。

Diamondland 三克拉钻石

  如果想拥有一款3克拉钻石首饰,我们推荐你买一枚镶嵌三颗1 克拉钻石的戒指,这个价格你绝对负担得起! 或者像这款白金钻石戒指,镶嵌15颗约0.25克拉的圆形明亮式钻石,售价:11,170欧元(约合人民币9万元)。

TAG:钻石 克拉 非洲之星 珠宝 3克拉钻石值多少钱


翡翠收藏注意价值和用途 玉观音_玉貔貅_价格_图片_收藏_鉴赏—妙瑞可翡翠网

翡翠收藏注意价值和用途 玉观音_玉貔貅_价格_图片_收藏_鉴赏—妙瑞可翡翠网





    投资保值乱世买黄金,盛世买翠玉,翡翠作为投资保值,比任何珠宝玉石、金银首饰的投资价值都高,增值快。由于帮翠的资源非常稀缺,加上国际拍卖行的拍卖价连创新高,需要优质 翡翠的人越来越多,供求关系更加紧张,价格仍将不断攀升。装饰品佩戴讽刺不仅可以装饰自己,增加形象之荣,更是一种艺术的展现、身份的象征。身着美丽服装的女士,佩戴翡翠首饰后更显件相貌姣好,高贵文雅。所以有一定经济条件的人, 大多会买翡翠饰品来装饰自己、表现自己。 陶冶情操和心灵 “君子比德于玉”、“宁为玉碎、不为瓦全”。中国人喜欢翠玉不仅仅是因为它艳丽的色彩、晶莹似水的品质,更深信它有一种灵性,有辟邪、消灾、转运的作用。人可养玉、玉亦养人,许多人购藏翡翠并非为了投资、增值,而足喜欢其雕刻寓意,古色古香的文化内涵和艺术价值,在”养翠”中陶冶情报,修身养性,涤荡心灵。

妙瑞可 冰种黄翡观音天然翡翠吊坠


    家居陈设品、翡翠雕饰品置于居室或办公室,既可烘托文化氛固,又是主人身份的象征。雕刻的各种不同花纹及形状除具有一定的寓意外,还寄托着祈求平安、丰衣足食、子孙满堂等美好愿望。珍贵礼品——指翠送人是再好不过的礼品,因为它具有纪念意义。中国人对翡翠情有独钟,翡翠是亲情、友情、爱情的象征,人们的情 思 可以迎过赠送纯洁无瑕的翡翠来表达:父亲送给子女,”训 戒”子女应像翡翠那样坚忍不拔,立身于世;朋友互赠,期望友情如同翡翠那般纯洁;情人可作为信物相送,表达爱情天长地久、永爱不渝。

妙瑞可 糯冰种飘翠站佛天然翡翠吊坠



本文主要介绍了:翡翠收藏   翡翠收藏价值     文章来源:妙瑞可翡翠商城


Kotura preps fab deal amid silicon photonics surge

Kotura preps fab deal amid silicon photonics surge

SAN JOSE, Calif. – Add Qualcomm to the list of ARM server SoC designers. The smartphone chip designer is advertising at least three software engineering jobs that clearly state its intentions.

Applicants will work on "architecture/design and system prototypes of Qualcomm's new ARMv8-based server SOC ASICs for the power optimized server market," the ads say. "Primary responsibilities include specification, development, porting, integration and shakeout of server platform management software and firmware on prototypes utilizing Qualcomm’s new SOC."

The ARMv8 is a reference to ARM's next-generation 64-bit capable instruction set architecture. The ability to handle 64-bit addresses is key for server processors.

Qualcomm is at least the eighth company now known to be working on ARM server SoCs. Others with announced or known plans include AMD, Applied Micro, Cavium, Calxeda, Marvell, Nvidia and Samsung.

Huawei posted job openings for ARM server engineers last year. However, it was not clear if the company is designing systems, SoCs or both. Texas Instruments rolled out ARM server SoCs, but is targeting "purpose-built" embedded systems, not data centers.

The companies known to be preparing ARM server chips generally aim to start shipping 64-bit SoCs in 2014. Calxeda and Marvell are shipping 32-bit SoCs for servers today with limited traction, mainly in prototyping systems for Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Taiwan’s Mitac.

The Qualcomm software jobs appear to be mainly in Raliegh, N.C., although at least one also lists postings in Austin and San Diego, Qualcomm’s headquarters.

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ARM servers: Heavy lifting, big payoffs ahead

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Slideshow: Facebook remakes the server

Next: Intel, Luxtera hot on the trail
TAG:Silicon Photonics 100 Gbits/second 100G Ethernet Optical Modules Applied Micro Optical Kotura Networking Luxtera Intel IBM Cisco

Cisco sells Linksys to Belkin, ending home networking run

Cisco sells Linksys to Belkin, ending home networking run

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz.--Belkin said Thursday (Jan. 24) it will acquireCisco’s Home Networking Business Unit, which includes the Linksysproducts, for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition willgive privately held Belkin, based in Playa Vista, Calif., a 30percent of the U.S. retail home and small business networkingmarket.

Currently, Belkin has a range of wired, wireless and powerlinenetworking products under the Belkin brand. Company officials saidthey will maintain the Linksys brand. Cisco acquiredLinksys for $500 million almost exactly 10 years ago,as the networking giant expanded its reach into home-networking.

The company spent years trying to find its way in the consumerworld only to begin to unwind or kill those investments beginninga few years ago, most notably endingproduction of the popular Flip video camera as smartphones took over that application.

Chet Pipkin, CEO of Belkin said, "Belkin’s ultimate goal is to bethe global leader in the connected home and wireless networkingspace and this acquisition is an important step to realizing thatvision.”

Specific financial terms of the transaction are undisclosed. Thetransaction is subject to various standard closing conditions andis expected to close in March 2013.

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TAG:Cisco Belkin Linksys routers networking home networking wireless wireline electronics communications