
Tokyo court hands Samsung a win over Apple

Tokyo court hands Samsung a win over Apple

LONDON – A Tokyo court has found Samsung not guilty of infringing Apple's intellectual property, in contrast to a jury decision and a $1.05 billion damage award in Apple's favor in a California court last week.

Tokyo district court judge Tamotsu Shoji ruled Friday (Aug. 31) rejected Apple's claim that Samsung's products infringe patents related to synchronization of media files.

A week before a nine-person U.S. federal jury had found that many of Samsung's phones infringe most of two design and three utility patents held by Apple. However, the U.S. jury found that Samsung's tablets do not infringe Apple's iPad design patent.

"We welcome the court's decision, which confirmed our long-held position that our products do not infringe Apple's intellectual property," Reuters quoted Samsung as saying in a statement following the verdict from the Tokyo court.

The court case in Japan was not as broad as that conducted in the U.S., focusing only on a synchronization feature. Nonetheless it could have prevented the sale of Samsung Galaxy mobile phones, albeit older ones targeted by Apple, in Japan. The ruling leaves the way open for Samsung to continue selling smartphones in the Japanese market where it has been beating Apple in volume, the Financial Times said. Apple had been asking for comparatively modest damages of 100 million yen (about $1.3 million) the report said.

Unlike in South Korea and the United States, Japan rules case-by-case. Six other issues are yet to be ruled on by the Tokyo court, according to a Korea Times report. Samsung and Apple are also fighting in courts in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands.

The Japanese decision in favor of Samsung in Japan is likely to provide further encouragement for Samsung to appeal the U.S. decision. The U.S. judge set Sept. 20 as the date for hearing to determine whether to set an injunction against Samsung selling in the U.S. any of the products that court found to be infringing. Those products are generally a set of about 12 Samsung Galaxy S and S II handset models.

Related links and articles:

Reuters report

Apple awarded $1.05 billion in Samsung patent case

Apple versus Samsung questions on the Monday after

Jury foreman in Apple versus Samsung had 'light bulb moment'

TAG:Samsung Apple Tokyo court Galaxy

Samsung wins over Apple in Tokyo court

Samsung wins over Apple in Tokyo court

LONDON – A Tokyo court has found Samsung not guilty of infringing Apple's intellectual property, in contrast to the legal decision and the $1 billion ruling that went in favor of Apple and against Samsung in a California court last week.

Tokyo district court judge Tamotsu Shoji ruled Friday (Aug. 31) rejected Apple's claim that Samsung's products infringe patents related to synchronization of media files.

A week before a nine-person U.S. federal jury had found that many of Samsung's phones infringe most of two design and three utility patents held by Apple. However, the U.S. jury found that Samsung's tablets do not infringe Apple's iPad design patent.

"We welcome the court's decision, which confirmed our long-held position that our products do not infringe Apple's intellectual property," Reuters quoted Samsung as saying in a statement following the verdict from the Tokyo court.

The court case in Japan was not as broad as that conducted in the U.S., focusing only on a synchronization feature. Nonetheless it could have prevented the sale of Samsung Galaxy mobile phones, albeit older ones targeted by Apple, in Japan. The ruling leaves the way open for Samsung to continue selling smartphones in the Japanese market where it has been beating Apple in volume, the Financial Times said. Apple had been asking for comparatively modest damages of 100 million yen (about $1.3 million) the report said.

Unlike in South Korea and the United States, Japan rules case-by-case. Six other issues are yet to be ruled on by the Tokyo court, according to a Korea Times report. Samsung and Apple are also fighting in courts in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands.

The Japanese decision in favor of Samsung in Japan is likely to provide further encouragement for Samsung to appeal the U.S. decision. The U.S. judge set Sept. 20 as the date for hearing to determine whether to set an injunction against Samsung selling in the U.S. any of the products that court found to be infringing. Those products are generally a set of about 12 Samsung Galaxy S and S II handset models.

Related links and articles:

Reuters report

Apple awarded $1.05 billion in Samsung patent case

Apple versus Samsung questions on the Monday after

Jury foreman in Apple versus Samsung had 'light bulb moment'

TAG:Samsung Apple Tokyo court Galaxy

Samsung wins over Apple in Tokyo court

Samsung wins over Apple in Tokyo court

LONDON – A Tokyo court has found Samsung not guilty of infringing Apple's intellectual property, in contrast to the legal decision and the $1 billion ruling that went in favor of Apple and against Samsung in a California court last week.

Tokyo district court judge Tamotsu Shoji ruled Friday (Aug. 31) rejected Apple's claim that Samsung's products infringe patents related to synchronization of media files.

A week before a nine-person U.S. federal jury had found that many of Samsung's phones infringe most of two design and three utility patents held by Apple. However, the U.S. jury found that Samsung's tablets do not infringe Apple's iPad design patent.

"We welcome the court's decision, which confirmed our long-held position that our products do not infringe Apple's intellectual property," Reuters quoted Samsung as saying in a statement following the verdict from the Tokyo court.

The court case in Japan was not as broad as that conducted in the U.S., focusing only on a synchronization feature. Nonetheless it could have prevented the sale of Samsung Galaxy mobile phones, albeit older ones targeted by Apple, in Japan. The ruling leaves the way open for Samsung to continue selling smartphones in the Japanese market where it has been beating Apple in volume, the Financial Times said. Apple had been asking for comparatively modest damages of 100 million yen (about $1.3 million) the report said.

Unlike in South Korea and the United States, Japan rules case-by-case. Six other issues are yet to be ruled on by the Tokyo court, according to a Korea Times report. Samsung and Apple are also fighting in courts in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands.

The Japanese decision in favor of Samsung in Japan is likely to provide further encouragement for Samsung to appeal the U.S. decision. The U.S. judge set Sept. 20 as the date for hearing to determine whether to set an injunction against Samsung selling in the U.S. any of the products that court found to be infringing. Those products are generally a set of about 12 Samsung Galaxy S and S II handset models.

Related links and articles:

Reuters report

Apple awarded $1.05 billion in Samsung patent case

Apple versus Samsung questions on the Monday after

Jury foreman in Apple versus Samsung had 'light bulb moment'

TAG:Samsung Apple Tokyo court Galaxy



周勇锋收藏的碧玉花瓶. 肖亮 摄 周勇锋收藏的碧玉花瓶. 肖亮 摄 周勇锋向记者展示他收藏的碧玉碗. 肖亮 摄 周勇锋向记者展示他收藏的碧玉碗. 肖亮 摄

  实习生 胡谦 记者 田芳













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IWC海洋时计深海二号潜水员腕表 带来无尽深海世界的安全保障

IWC海洋时计深海二号潜水员腕表 带来无尽深海世界的安全保障

使用 探索深海的最佳伙伴 尽享深海世界的安全保障

IWC海洋时计深海二号潜水员腕表 带来无尽深海世界的安全保障



IWC海洋时计深海二号潜水员腕表 带来无尽深海世界的安全保障





IWC海洋时计深海二号潜水员腕表 带来无尽深海世界的安全保障

型号 IW354702

表壳物料 精钢

表带 黑色橡胶表带

表盘颜色 黑色

机芯 30110





机械旋转外圈 配备追针标示的机械深度计可显示最大深度50米 指针、表盘及旋转外圈具有夜光涂层 旋入式表冠 双面防反光凸状蓝宝石玻璃表镜


表链快速更换系统** 表壳厚度15.5毫米 直径46毫米


TAG:IWC 潜水员腕表 精钢表 自动机芯 动力储备



细说玉德 春秋时期,人们对玉的认识从感性走向理性,一些思想家给玉注入丰富的文化内涵。管仲认为玉具九德,孔子认为玉具十一德,因“君子比德于玉”的观点深入人心,君子佩玉成为一种时尚。玉德作为道德和行为规范深深地植根于人们心中,驱动人们崇玉、爱玉、佩玉,一代一代传承至今,它提醒每一个佩玉的人:不要忘了玉德。






















How Intel can use wireless charging to attack ARM

How Intel can use wireless charging to attack ARM

LONDON – Intel is gearing up to make its wireless resonant energy link (WREL) technology a supporting element to its mobile computing and communications offering.

IDT has announced that it has been selected by Intel to design and deliver transmit and receive ICs and to help deliver wireless charging reference designs for use in ultrabooks, PCs, smartphones, and stand-alone chargers.

That is well and good. Most of us probably think that carrying all those different wired chargers around and having to continually plug gadgets in to juice them up seems a little bit last century.

But Intel has always combined technology with business so, assuming that what the company has is any good, do not expect it to develop the technology and donate it to the world – or even to simply sell it to the world. It is my belief that Intel will be looking to obtain additional leverage from this technology.

Intel is the dominant supplier of processors for personal computers but is very much the Johnny-come-lately in mobile phones, smartphones and tablet computers where the ARM processor architecture, and ARM's ecosystem partners dominate.

So how could Intel use its wireless charging technology to leverage its leading position in computers and transfer it into the mobile sector?
Next: The gadget swarm is the gadget
TAG:Intel ARM Apple Android Samsung wireless charging Atom semiconductor





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TAG:哈民忙哈史前聚落遗址出土大量玉器 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻




  徐州做养生事业的张女士几年前因事业有成手中握有大量闲钱,再加上身边富起来的朋友圈几乎人手一玉甚至人手几玉,自视自己比朋友们智商高的她当年即去古玩玉石市场花费700余万元一口气买下11块看上去“挺不错”的和田玉原石,现在的张女士是让人一看即“珠光宝气”:手上戴着玉镯,胸前佩着金镶玉玉坠,就连她的奔驰汽车钥匙上也挂着小玉件,张女士前后在玉石上共投资了1600多万元.听着张女士滔滔不绝地述说她精彩的投资经历,再看看张女士带来的玉石,老怪实在不忍心对大老远从徐州赶来的张女士所携带的玉石加以评价,就热心地带着张女士参观欣赏了贵人有玉坊的很多和田玉藏品,并让她进行相互比较、比对欣赏以提高她对玉的鉴赏识别能力.看了贵人有玉坊的大量和田玉后,再回头看看自己身上所佩戴的玉器,以及携带的和田玉原石,张女士懊悔地说:“如果早认识老怪几年,就不会在和田玉投资道路上走弯路了.” 像张女士这样在玉石投资上走弯路的人很多.和田玉国之重器,被称为“国玉”,大凡富裕起来的成功人士都想以拥有几件和田玉来卓显自己的成功.老怪几年前就遇到一位在南京做地产的浙江商人陈先生曾让助手拎着耗资2000多万购买的两大包和田玉来请老怪给予鉴定和估价,当时老怪看了他的玉石后心里很不是滋味,因为当时这2000多万的玉石在老怪看来是500万也不敢接手的.




  苍 萍

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TAG:赏玩和田玉需懂行和识货 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

How Intel can use wireless charging to attack ARM

How Intel can use wireless charging to attack ARM

LONDON – Intel is gearing up to make its wireless resonant energy link (WREL) technology a supporting element to its mobile computing and communications offering.

IDT has announced that it has been selected by Intel to design and deliver transmit and receive ICs and to help deliver wireless charging reference designs for use in ultrabooks, PCs, smartphones, and stand-alone chargers.

That is well and good. Most of us probably think that carrying all those different wired chargers around and having to continually plug gadgets in to juice them up seems a little bit last century.

But Intel has always combined technology with business so, assuming that what the company has is any good, do not expect it to develop the technology and donate it to the world – or even to simply sell it to the world. It is my belief that Intel will be looking to obtain additional leverage from this technology.

Intel is the dominant supplier of processors for personal computers but is very much the Johnny-come-lately in mobile phones, smartphones and tablet computers where the ARM processor architecture, and ARM's ecosystem partners dominate.

So how could Intel use its wireless charging technology to leverage its leading position in computers and transfer it into the mobile sector?

Next: The gadget swarm is the gadget
TAG:Intel ARM Apple Android Samsung wireless charging Atom semiconductor















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TAG:翡翠收藏看重原料还是工艺 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

Formosa Plastics bails out DRAM subsidiaries

Formosa Plastics bails out DRAM subsidiaries

LONDON – Formosa Plastics Group, parent of Nanya Technology Corp., has put together a bail-out plan worth about $1 billion to keep the loss-making DRAM maker from delisting from the Taiwan stock exchange, according to local reports.

Nanya has been struggling for a number of years but the bail-out plan is being taken as evidence that the Formosa Plastics Group (FPG) is determined to stay in the semiconductor business.

Four firms within FPG – Formosa Plastics Corp., Formosa Petrochemical Corp., Formosa Chemicals & Fiber Corp. and Nanya Plastics Corp. – will provide Nanya Technology with total of NT$29.6 billion (about $990 million). The four companies will each provide NT$7.4 billion (about $247 million), the reports said.

At the same time Formosa Petrochemical has approved the lending of NT$4.8 billion (about $160 million) to Inotera Memories Inc., according to a Taipei Times report. Inotera is a joint venture between Nanya Technology and Micron Technology Inc. (Boise, Idaho).

FPG had annual sales in 2011 of $74.7 billion on which it made a profit before tax of $4.7 billion.

Related links and articles:



Related links and articles:

Elpida's bankruptcy to boost other DRAM suppliers

Micron increasing stake in Inotera

Report: Nanya to get billion-dollar boost

TAG:Formosa Plastics Group FPG Nanya Inotera Micron memory semiconductor DRAM

Formosa Plastics bails out DRAM subsidiaries

Formosa Plastics bails out DRAM subsidiaries

LONDON – Formosa Plastics Group, parent of Nanya Technology Corp., has put together a bail-out plan worth about $1 billion to keep the loss-making DRAM maker from delisting from the Taiwan stock exchange, according to local reports.

Nanya has been struggling for a number of years but the bail-out plan is being taken as evidence that the Formosa Plastics Group (FPG) is determined to stay in the semiconductor business.

Four firms within FPG – Formosa Plastics Corp., Formosa Petrochemical Corp., Formosa Chemicals & Fiber Corp. and Nanya Plastics Corp. – will provide Nanya Technology with total of NT$29.6 billion (about $990 million). The four companies will each provide NT$7.4 billion (about $247 million), the reports said.

At the same time Formosa Petrochemical has approved the lending of NT$4.8 billion (about $160 million) to Inotera Memories Inc., according to a Taipei Times report. Inotera is a joint venture between Nanya Technology and Micron Technology Inc. (Boise, Idaho).

FPG had annual sales in 2011 of $74.7 billion on which it made a profit before tax of $4.7 billion.

Related links and articles:



Related links and articles:

Elpida's bankruptcy to boost other DRAM suppliers

Micron increasing stake in Inotera

Report: Nanya to get billion-dollar boost

TAG:Formosa Plastics Group FPG Nanya Inotera Micron memory semiconductor DRAM

Intel energizes wireless charging effort

Intel energizes wireless charging effort

LONDON – Intel has selected mixed-signal fabless chip company Integrated Device Technology Inc. to make an transmitter and receiver ICs for Intel's resonant wireless energy transfer technology.

Intel (Santa Clara, Calif.) is pushing hard to bring the technology to market to improve the attractiveness of mobile offerings based on its processors such as Intel-based ultrabooks and smartphones. Intel has been developing resonant wireless charging since before October 2008.

IDT (San Jose, Calif.) said it plans to be able to provide samples the resonance receiver IC by the end of 2012 and the year, and of the transmitter IC sometime in the first half of 2013. Intel and IDT also plan to deliver resonant wireless charging reference designs for use in Ultrabooks, PCs, smartphones, and standalone chargers.

Wireless charging over distances of a few millimeters or centimeters using magnetic induction has been seen as a promising application area for a number of years but has been difficult to find an efficient means of energy transfer and consensus on standards has been slow to build.

"Our extensive experience in developing the innovative and highly integrated IDTP9030 transmitter and multi-mode IDTP9020 receiver has given IDT a proven leadership position in the wireless power market,” said Arman Naghavi, vice president and general manager of the analog and power division at IDT, in a statement.

"We think the ability to have a wire-free charging experience with a broad ecosystem of devices like keyboards, mice, storage devices, cameras and smartphones will be realized in the near future," said Gary Huang, director of PC growth and innovation at Intel, in the same statement.

Related links and articles:


Intel video demo


News articles:

Intel preps wireless charging

Ti offers 'Qi' inductive power transfer IC

EE Times' 20 hot technologies for 2012

Silicon 60 v13.0

TAG:Intel IDT wireless resonant charging energy transfer semiconductor

Intel energizes wireless charging effort

Intel energizes wireless charging effort

LONDON – Intel has selected mixed-signal fabless chip company Integrated Device Technology Inc. to make an transmitter and receiver ICs for Intel's resonant wireless energy transfer technology.

Intel (Santa Clara, Calif.) is pushing hard to bring the technology to market to improve the attractiveness of mobile offerings based on its processors such as Intel-based ultrabooks and smartphones. Intel has been developing resonant wireless charging since before October 2008.

IDT (San Jose, Calif.) said it plans to be able to provide samples the resonance receiver IC by the end of 2012 and the year, and of the transmitter IC sometime in the first half of 2013. Intel and IDT also plan to deliver resonant wireless charging reference designs for use in Ultrabooks, PCs, smartphones, and standalone chargers.

Wireless charging over distances of a few millimeters or centimeters using magnetic induction has been seen as a promising application area for a number of years but has been difficult to find an efficient means of energy transfer and consensus on standards has been slow to build.

"Our extensive experience in developing the innovative and highly integrated IDTP9030 transmitter and multi-mode IDTP9020 receiver has given IDT a proven leadership position in the wireless power market,” said Arman Naghavi, vice president and general manager of the analog and power division at IDT, in a statement.

"We think the ability to have a wire-free charging experience with a broad ecosystem of devices like keyboards, mice, storage devices, cameras and smartphones will be realized in the near future," said Gary Huang, director of PC growth and innovation at Intel, in the same statement.

Related links and articles:


Intel video demo


News articles:

Intel preps wireless charging

Ti offers 'Qi' inductive power transfer IC

EE Times' 20 hot technologies for 2012

Silicon 60 v13.0

TAG:Intel IDT wireless resonant charging energy transfer semiconductor

London Calling: Recore and will.i.am

London Calling: Recore and will.i.am

LONDON – What do Recore Systems BV and William Adams, otherwise known as rapper will.i.am, have in common?

Recore Systems (Enschede, The Netherlands), a 2005 fabless startup, has recently presented a reliable data processor to the European Space Agency.

Recore's FPGA-based prototype dubbed MPPB (Massively Parallel Processor Breadboarding system, ESA contract 21986) includes reconfigurability techniques in support of fault tolerance.

Recore develops parallel reconfigurable digital signal processing intellectual property around its Montium and Xentium accelerator cores and the company was asked to produce a reliable processor by the European Space Research and Technology Centre (Noordwijk, The Netherlands) part of the European Space Agency.

Data processing on-board spacecraft and satellites is subject to high radiation levels and European rad-hard DSPs lack the performance needed for future applications.

"We introduced our concepts of self-repairing reconfigurable chips to ESA in 2009, and explained that a multicore system can detect which parts of hardware are faulty and then can continue to process data with the healthy cores," said Gerard Rauwerda, CTO at Recore, in a statement. "ESA contracted us to embed it in a prototype with proven space concepts such as Leon processors and space-standard interfaces such as SpaceWire."

Click on image to enlarge.

MPPB systems architecture with Xentium DSPs and proven space components and interfaces. Source: Recore.

Next: Intel's man
TAG:Peter Clarke Recore Systems William Adams will i am IBC Amsterdam

Slideshow: Novel server CPUs glow at Hot Chips

Slideshow: Novel server CPUs glow at Hot Chips

SAN JOSE, Calif. – In the next five years, ARM-based SoCs will grab about ten percent of the server market, according to a straw poll of engineers at the annual Hot Chips. ARM’s future in the data center was a hot topic of debate in an afternoon session dedicated to a smorgasbord of next-generation server processors.

In a keynote kicking off the session, former Intel chief technology officer Patrick Gelsinger said ARM will maintain dominance in mobile systems but won’t gain a foothold in data centers. The x86 makes up more than 95 percent of all server units and 70 percent of server CPU revenues, he said.

“It’s is the only architecture that matters, and we are betting heavily on this being the computing architecture for the data center,” said Gelsinger (below) who is a division president of storage giant EMC and set to become chief executive of its VMWare subsidiary on September 1.

TAG:Hot Chips ARM Servers X86 Processors IBM Oracle Fujitsu Power7+ Sparc ZNext Applied Gelsinger

Slideshow: Novel server CPUs glow at Hot Chips

Slideshow: Novel server CPUs glow at Hot Chips

SAN JOSE, Calif. – In the next five years, ARM-based SoCs will grab about ten percent of the server market, according to a straw poll of engineers at the annual Hot Chips. ARM’s future in the data center was a hot topic of debate in an afternoon session dedicated to a smorgasbord of next-generation server processors.

In a keynote kicking off the session, former Intel chief technology officer Patrick Gelsinger said ARM will maintain dominance in mobile systems but won’t gain a foothold in data centers. The x86 makes up more than 95 percent of all server units and 70 percent of server CPU revenues, he said.

“It’s is the only architecture that matters, and we are betting heavily on this being the computing architecture for the data center,” said Gelsinger (below) who is a division president of storage giant EMC and set to become chief executive of its VMWare subsidiary on September 1.

TAG:Hot Chips ARM Servers X86 Processors IBM Oracle Fujitsu Power7+ Sparc ZNext Applied Gelsinger




  文/图 羊城晚报记者 许悦

  实习生 李晓丹



















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TAG:谁是珠宝家族中下一个潜力股 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

AlcaLu CTO calls for new basestation chips

AlcaLu CTO calls for new basestation chips

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Tomorrow’s wireless networks need chips designed mainly for a new class of small-cell basestations that will serve the growing capacity needs of mobile data users. But just where the money needed to build the new networks will come from is unclear.

That was the message Marcus Weldon, chief technology officer at Alcatel-Lucent, delivered to several hundred processor designers at the annual Hot Chips conference here.

“We are in a radical transition to a capacity-driven world served by Wi-Fi and small cells and away from a coverage world” using macro cellular basestations, Weldon said. “All the new chip set designs will have a focus on metro cells with a smaller emphasis on macro cells,” he said.

“Small cells are the only way to get 80-fold factor in additional capacity that will be needed,” he added.

Weldon predicted as many as 500 million tablet computers will be sold each year by 2017. They will, along with the rise in smartphones, drive the 80-fold increase in mobile data next-generation wireless networks will need to serve.

The needs are rising at a time when carrier’s data revenues are relatively flat and their voice revenues are falling. He suggested carriers will look for ways to charge per connection and per service, especially for new ways of shifting into the digital realm traditional “analog” jobs in banking, health care and other domains.

“We are in a staring match between content and network people where no one has figured out the model to build the network with the money in the pot,” said Weldon, pictured below. “It’s the entire digital economy wallet we should look at,” he said.

TAG:Small Cell Basetations Small Cells Metro Cells Hot Chips Alcatel Lucent Basestations Cavium Freescale



碧玉大型插牌《清明上河图》 碧玉大型插牌《清明上河图》


  玉 料





  作 品






  难 度




  时 间





  记者 安琪


  插 牌


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TAG:国内最大玉雕插牌《清明上河图》完工 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

AlcaLu CTO calls for new basestation chips

AlcaLu CTO calls for new basestation chips

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Tomorrow’s wireless networks need chips designed mainly for a new class of small-cell basestations that will serve the growing capacity needs of mobile data users. But just where the money needed to build the new networks will come from is unclear.

That was the message Marcus Weldon, chief technology officer at Alcatel-Lucent, delivered to several hundred processor designers at the annual Hot Chips conference here.

“We are in a radical transition to a capacity-driven world served by Wi-Fi and small cells and away from a coverage world” using macro cellular basestations, Weldon said. “All the new chip set designs will have a focus on metro cells with a smaller emphasis on macro cells,” he said.

“Small cells are the only way to get 80-fold factor in additional capacity that will be needed,” he added.

Weldon predicted as many as 500 million tablet computers will be sold each year by 2017. They will, along with the rise in smartphones, drive the 80-fold increase in mobile data next-generation wireless networks will need to serve.

The needs are rising at a time when carrier’s data revenues are relatively flat and their voice revenues are falling. He suggested carriers will look for ways to charge per connection and per service, especially for new ways of shifting into the digital realm traditional “analog” jobs in banking, health care and other domains.

“We are in a staring match between content and network people where no one has figured out the model to build the network with the money in the pot,” said Weldon, pictured below. “It’s the entire digital economy wallet we should look at,” he said.

TAG:Small Cell Basetations Small Cells Metro Cells Hot Chips Alcatel Lucent Basestations Cavium Freescale
























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TAG:和田玉之碧玉知多少 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻


AMD appoints ecosystem expert to its board

AMD appoints ecosystem expert to its board

LONDON – Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has appointed Jack Harding, CEO of design and manufacturing services provider eSilicon Corp., to its board of directors.

The moves marks yet another step in a substantial shake up of the technical and business culture at the top of AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) by CEO Rory Read, who was appointed one year ago.

Harding co-founded eSilicon (Sunnyvale, Calif.) in 2000 after leaving EDA company Cadence Designs Systems Inc. where he had also served as CEO. Harding's recent experience at eSilicon has fostered expertise in the fabless and intellectual property ecosystems where AMD looks set to play. Harding has more than 25 years of management experience in the semiconductor industry, especially in the area of ASIC and system-on-chip design and manufacturing.

"Jack's wealth of industry experience and familiarity with evolving industry trends make him a perfect choice to join the AMD board," said AMD chairman Bruce Claflin, in a statement. "As AMD establishes itself as a more nimble, flexible semiconductor design innovator, Jack's operational experience, strategic expertise and business acumen for bringing SoC and custom integrated circuit solutions to market should add tremendous value for AMD's future business."

Before co-founding eSilicon, Harding joined Cadence when it acquired his former employer, Cooper & Chyan Technology. Harding has also held a variety of senior management positions at Zycad and IBM. Harding also serves on the board of directors of RF Micro Devices and the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA).

Related links and articles:

AMD lands high-performance computing guru

ESilicon set to reap rewards of Asian gamble

AMD names new sales chief

TAG:Jack Harding AMD eSilicon semiconductor processor SOC design Cadence

AMD appoints ecosystem expert to its board

AMD appoints ecosystem expert to its board

LONDON – Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has appointed Jack Harding, CEO of design and manufacturing services provider eSilicon Corp., to its board of directors.

The moves marks yet another step in a substantial shake up of the technical and business culture at the top of AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) by CEO Rory Read, who was appointed one year ago.

Harding co-founded eSilicon (Sunnyvale, Calif.) in 2000 after leaving EDA company Cadence Designs Systems Inc. where he had also served as CEO. Harding's recent experience at eSilicon has fostered expertise in the fabless and intellectual property ecosystems where AMD looks set to play. Harding has more than 25 years of management experience in the semiconductor industry, especially in the area of ASIC and system-on-chip design and manufacturing.

"Jack's wealth of industry experience and familiarity with evolving industry trends make him a perfect choice to join the AMD board," said AMD chairman Bruce Claflin, in a statement. "As AMD establishes itself as a more nimble, flexible semiconductor design innovator, Jack's operational experience, strategic expertise and business acumen for bringing SoC and custom integrated circuit solutions to market should add tremendous value for AMD's future business."

Before co-founding eSilicon, Harding joined Cadence when it acquired his former employer, Cooper & Chyan Technology. Harding has also held a variety of senior management positions at Zycad and IBM. Harding also serves on the board of directors of RF Micro Devices and the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA).

Related links and articles:

AMD lands high-performance computing guru

ESilicon set to reap rewards of Asian gamble

AMD names new sales chief

TAG:Jack Harding AMD eSilicon semiconductor processor SOC design Cadence

AMD appoints ecosystem expert to the board

AMD appoints ecosystem expert to the board

LONDON – Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has appointed Jack Harding, CEO of design and manufacturing services provider eSilicon Corp., to the board of directors.

The moves marks yet another step in a substantial shake up of the technical and business culture at the top of AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) by CEO Rory Read, who was appointed one year ago.

Harding co-founded eSilicon (Sunnyvale, Calif.) in 2000 after leaving EDA company Cadence Designs Systems Inc. where he had also served as CEO. Harding's recent experience at eSilicon has fostered expertise in the fabless and intellectual property ecosystems where AMD looks set to play. Harding has more than 25 years of management experience in the semiconductor industry, especially in the area of ASIC and system-on-chip design and manufacturing.

"Jack's wealth of industry experience and familiarity with evolving industry trends make him a perfect choice to join the AMD board," said AMD chairman Bruce Claflin, in a statement. "As AMD establishes itself as a more nimble, flexible semiconductor design innovator, Jack's operational experience, strategic expertise and business acumen for bringing SoC and custom integrated circuit solutions to market should add tremendous value for AMD's future business."

Before co-founding eSilicon, Harding joined Cadence when it acquired his former employer, Cooper & Chyan Technology. Harding has also held a variety of senior management positions at Zycad and IBM. Harding also serves on the board of directors of RF Micro Devices and the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA).

Related links and articles:

AMD lands high-performance computing guru

ESilicon set to reap rewards of Asian gamble

AMD names new sales chief

TAG:Jack Harding AMD eSilicon semiconductor processor SOC design Cadence

Report: TSMC rebuffs Apple, Qualcomm

Report: TSMC rebuffs Apple, Qualcomm

LONDON – Apple and Qualcomm have each offered more than a $1 billion to foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to obtain a dedicated supply of processor chips, and both their offers have been rejected, according to a Bloomberg report.

Apple needs the chips for its own smartphomes and tablet computers – iPhones and iPads – while Qualcomm is the leading supplier of application processors to the rival Android platform of mobile equipment. Both the Apple and Qualcomm proposals included investments in TSMC (Hsinchu, Taiwan), Bloomberg said quoting unnamed sources.

At present Apple relies on Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. for its leading edge A5 processor but Apple is in a high profile legal dispute with Samsung over the look and feel of smartphones. Apple has been reported to be working with TSMC (Hsinchu, Taiwan) to bring up a 28-nm A6 processor. Meanwhile Qualcomm, which has designed the Snapdragon processor, is known to be suffering from a shortage of supply at the 28-nm node.

There has been speculation that companies such as Apple and Qualcomm would try to use their financial muscle to obtain a secure supply of leading-edge chips which at present is limiting sales of mobile equipment.

In July Morris Chang, chairman and CEO of TSMC, said the company was considering operating single-customer wafer fabs so a rejection of the Apple and Qualcomm investment proposals may have resulted from detailed terms or the fact that equity was being sought.

However, as a foundry supplier TSMC profits from serving many fab-lite and fabless chip companies, including Broadcom, Nvidia, MediaTek and many others. If it was seen to be too close to Qualcomm or Apple it might risk its independent status and drive other customers into the arms of rival foundry suppliers.

In addition Lora Ho, chief financial officer of TSMC, has expressed reservations about operating single-customer wafer fabs. "You have to be careful. Once that product migrates, what are going to do with that dedicated fab? We would like to keep the flexibility," the Bloomberg report quoted Ho as saying.

Related links and articles

Bloomberg article

TSMC says single-customer fabs make sense

TSMC tops pure-play MEMS foundry ranking from IHS

Qualcomm sees 28-nm capacity crunch through 2012

On Qualcomm's manufacturing options

TAG:TSMC Apple Qualcomm processor semiconductor foundry

Report: TSMC rebuffs Apple, Qualcomm

Report: TSMC rebuffs Apple, Qualcomm

LONDON – Apple and Qualcomm have each offered more than a $1 billion to foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to obtain a dedicated supply of processor chips, and both their offers have been rejected, according to a Bloomberg report.

Apple needs the chips for its own smartphomes and tablet computers – iPhones and iPads – while Qualcomm is the leading supplier of application processors to the rival Android platform of mobile equipment. Both the Apple and Qualcomm proposals included investments in TSMC (Hsinchu, Taiwan), Bloomberg said quoting unnamed sources.

At present Apple relies on Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. for its leading edge A5 processor but Apple is in a high profile legal dispute with Samsung over the look and feel of smartphones. Apple has been reported to be working with TSMC (Hsinchu, Taiwan) to bring up a 28-nm A6 processor. Meanwhile Qualcomm, which has designed the Snapdragon processor, is known to be suffering from a shortage of supply at the 28-nm node.

There has been speculation that companies such as Apple and Qualcomm would try to use their financial muscle to obtain a secure supply of leading-edge chips which at present is limiting sales of mobile equipment.

In July Morris Chang, chairman and CEO of TSMC, said the company was considering operating single-customer wafer fabs so a rejection of the Apple and Qualcomm investment proposals may have resulted from detailed terms or the fact that equity was being sought.

However, as a foundry supplier TSMC profits from serving many fab-lite and fabless chip companies, including Broadcom, Nvidia, MediaTek and many others. If it was seen to be too close to Qualcomm or Apple it might risk its independent status and drive other customers into the arms of rival foundry suppliers.

In addition Lora Ho, chief financial officer of TSMC, has expressed reservations about operating single-customer wafer fabs. "You have to be careful. Once that product migrates, what are going to do with that dedicated fab? We would like to keep the flexibility," the Bloomberg report quoted Ho as saying.

Related links and articles

Bloomberg article

TSMC says single-customer fabs make sense

TSMC tops pure-play MEMS foundry ranking from IHS

Qualcomm sees 28-nm capacity crunch through 2012

On Qualcomm's manufacturing options

TAG:TSMC Apple Qualcomm processor semiconductor foundry

AMD reports progress in cores, SoCs, APIs

AMD reports progress in cores, SoCs, APIs

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Advanced Micro Devices is making steady progress toward its goal of transforming itself into a system-on-chip company with broad industry backing for its chips.

AMD expects to announce soon new members of the Heterogeneous Systems Architecture group it launched earlier this year. HSA could finish “within months” the first draft of an applications programming interface for enabling merged graphics, x86 and other cores in SoCs.

“We are investing and trying to bring the industry with us to bring apps” to AMD and other SoCs, said Mark Papermaster, chief technology officer of AMD in a keynote at the Hot Chips conference here. “Without a common API and a path from high level languages [to hardware] you will not see broad adoption and new apps,” he told the annual gathering of several hundred processor designers.

“It’s not a pure speeds-and-feeds race--it hasn’t been for several years--it’s a solutionS problem,” Patermaster said. “It’s about accelerating the apps stack,” he said.

The pending API will help AMD deliver SoCs that support fast switching and a common memory pool among graphics and x86 cores. Such features could give it a leg up against archrival Intel which also makes processors with graphics, x86 and other cores.

Papermaster declined to comment on whether AMD plans to make any ARM-based SoCs for smartphones, servers or embedded systems. ARM is a part of HSA, and AMD has said it will put an ARM Cortex A5 core in an SoC next year to enable security based on ARM’s Trustzone technology.

With the HSA group, AMD and ARM have formed an open alliance to attack their mutual competitor, Intel. Nvidia also is a rival to AMD, thus not a likely HSA member even though it is a key customer for ARM.

AMD will “seed the industry with a compiler” for the coming API, Papermaster said in an interview with EE Times after his talk, declining to give more details. Separately, AMD is expected to rally partners around its so-called Freedom Fabric based on the technology it acquired with SeaMicro earlier this year.

Freedon Fabric is essentially the follow on to the HyperTransport interface AMD helped define and create as an open standard. So far, AMD is keeping close to its chest details of the SeaMicro technology. The new interconnect “will be a tremendous game changer” because it has significant system-level features, said Papermaster, pictured below.

TAG:Heterogeneous Systems Architecture AMD HSA ARM Intel X86 SoCs Graphics APIs

Intel gives peek inside Xeon Phi at Hot Chips

Intel gives peek inside Xeon Phi at Hot Chips

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Intel provided the first look inside its Xeon Phi aka Knights Corner processor in a Hot Chips paper here. The chip packs more than 50 quad-threaded Pentium-class cores with 512-bit vector units and about 25 Mbytes cache around a 512-bit, three-ring interconnect.

Xeon Phi is essentially an x86 symmetrical multiprocessing system on a chip. It runs popular programming environments used in large server clusters and supercomputers such as OpenMP, MPI, OpenCL, Pthreads and Intel’s existing tools.

The PC giant hopes the chip will displace general-purpose graphics chips increasingly used as co-processors in high-performance computing (HPC). Nvidia’s GPUs using hundreds of smaller cores and a proprietary environment called Cuda have been most successful winning such sockets to date.

Intel used Xeon Phi in an internal system called Discovery that delivers about 1,400 MFlops/watt, dissipating 72.5 kW and hitting number 150 on the latest version of the Top 500 supercomputers list. By contrast, one Nvidia-based system at number 177 on the list consumes 81.5W, Intel noted.

“My big conclusion is performance efficiency does not have to come at the expense of programmability,” said George Chrysos, a lead designer of Xeon Phi, in an interview with EE Times before Hot Chips. “It’s a myth that you need specialized programming models to get to these performance levels--you can have you cake and eat it too,” he said.

The Hot Chips paper revealed aspects of the Xeon Phi architecture. Intel won’t disclose product details or a road map until the first chip is announced later this year.

The company is expected to roll out a family of products, eventually scaling to well beyond 50 cores. Cray said it will use Xeon Phi in its next supercomputer called Cascades.

The chip’s cores have one 512-bit vector unit and two scalar units and one private 512 Kbyte L2 cache. Intel hopes the large caches help propel the chip’s use in future exascale supercomputers. The wide scalar units help crunch scientific workloads based on a variety of algorithms including FFTs and Monte Carlo simulations.

Xeon Phi began its life as Larrabee, a graphics chip made out of x86 cores. Seeing a narrowing opportunity to compete with the likes of AMD and Nvidia in mainstream graphics, Intel shifted its strategy to target massively parallel HPC systems where it hopes to be easier to use than competing GPUs.

Xeon Phi (below) adds a wide vector unit and large cache to a quad-threaded Pentium core.

TAG:Xeon Phi Knights Corner Hot Chips Intel Processors HPC Clusters Nvidia AMD Supercomputing

AMD lands high-performance computing guru

AMD lands high-performance computing guru

SAN FRANCISCO—Advanced Micro Devices Inc. said Tuesday (Aug. 28) it lured another well-known semiconductor industry veteran to join the firm, continuing a recent run of high-profile talent recruiting.

AMD (Sunnyvale, Calif.) named John Gustafson formerly of rival Intel Corp.'s eXtreme Technologies Lab, to the role of senior Fellow and chief product architect for AMD's graphics chip business unit. Gustafson is a 35-year veteran of the computing industry whose achievements include describing what is known as Gustafson's Law. The law states that that computations involving arbitrarily large data sets can be efficiently parallelized, according to an entry on Wikipedia.org.

In addition to his time with Intel, Gustafson previous served as CEO at Massively Parallel Technologies and chief technology officer at ClearSpeed Technology, a high-performance computing company. Gustafson, 53, has also held key management and research positions at other companies including Sun Microsystems, Ames Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories.

AMD said Gustafson would be responsible for setting the technical vision for the AMD graphics business unit, driving the technology roadmap and platform for the company's Radeon and AMD FirePro product lines as well as new technology planning and execution of business objectives. Gustafson will be based in Sunnyvale, AMD said.

"With the growing importance of parallel compute in defining the computing experience, John brings the full package of industry experience and knowledge needed to help us expand and execute our AMD Radeon and AMD FirePro graphics technology programs, and will help forge an aggressive long-term roadmap that allows AMD to continue to lead and win with our gaming and virtualization technologies," said Matt Skynner, corporate vice president and general manager of AMD's graphics business unit, in a statement.

Next: Recruiting drive continues
TAG:John Gustafson AMD Architect Graphics

KKR said to target Renesas with $1.27 billion bid

KKR said to target Renesas with $1.27 billion bid

TOKYO – Nikkei reported Wednesday (Aug.29) that Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., the New York-based private equity firm, is in talks with Renesas Electronics.

KKR plans to take over management of the ailing Japanese chip maker by spending 100 billion yen ($1.27 billion) through a private placement of new shares, Nikkei reported.

If true, the bid is KKR second crack at rescuing a chip company. KKR, Bain Capital Partners and three other private equity firms acquired NXP Semiconductors in a $9.4 billion leveraged buyout in 2006. NXP went public in August, 2010.

According to Nikkei, KKR presented its proposal to Renesas' top three shareholders -- NEC Corp, Hitachi Ltd. and Mitsubishi Electric Corp.-- as well as Renesas’ main banks. The Japanese newspaper anticipated a formal agreement as early as next month.

Renesas has a market capitalization of about 95 billion yen. KKR’s plan is to lead the chipmaker's turnaround efforts by taking over a majority stake by year's end. If that happens, KKR may replace Renesas’ current management.

At stake is the credibility of Renesas’ restructuring plan. Lingering concerns in the electronics industry are focused on the Japanese company’s willingness to make deep enough cuts, act on the plan quickly, and apply sufficient capital to pull everything off.

While a number of different restructuring plans have been bandied in the Japanese media over the last few months, Renesas is yet to publicly announce a detailed plan beyond seeking slightly more than 5,000 volunteers for early retirement. It’s also working to close some fabs.

Nikkei reported that Hitachi, NEC and Mitsubishi, the three shareholders of Renesas, have already agreed to provide a total of 50 billion yen through loans and other measures. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and three other lenders intend to provide 50 billion yen through a credit line, it said.

Related links and articles:

Report: TSMC's Chang says no to buying Renesas fab

White knight or asset stripper?

Renesas seeks $620 million from KKR, says report

Renesas cuts 14,000 jobs; fab sale to TSMC

Report: Renesas Mobile up for sale in re-org

Renesas extends MCU work with TSMC to 40-nm

Reports: Renesas to tie up with TSMC, cut jobs

TAG:Renesas KKR Take Over

Smartphones projected to be majority of handsets shipped in 2013

Smartphones projected to be majority of handsets shipped in 2013

SAN FRANCISCO—Smartphones are now expected to account for the majority of cellular handset shipments for the first time in 2013, two years earlier than previously predicted, according to market research firm IHS iSuppli.

According to an IHS report released Tuesday (Aug. 28), smartphones are now expected to account for 54 percent of handset shipments in 2013, up from an estimated 46 percent this year and 35 percent in 2011. The firm cites
increased demand from developed regions for high-end smartphones along with an unexpectedly strong push from emerging economies for lower-cost smartphones.

"This represents a major upgrade for the outlook compared to a year ago, when smartphones weren’t expected to take the lead until 2015," said Wayne Lam, senior analyst for wireless communications at IHS. "Over the past 12 months, smartphones have fallen in price, and a wider variety of models have become available, spurring sales of both low-end smartphones in regions like Asia-Pacific, as well as midrange to high-end phones in the United States and Europe."

Lam predicts that smartphone shipments would continue to grow by double digit percentages for the next few years. By 2016, Lam expects smartphones shipments to account for 67.4 percent of the total cell phone market.

TAG:Smartphones Handset Cellular Shipments IHS Isuppli

7 reasons to file design patents, trade dresses

7 reasons to file design patents, trade dresses

SAN JOSE, Calif. – The Apple vs. Samsung case sent out two calls to action big as billboards along San Jose’s Highway 101: File more design patents. Register more trade dresses.

These are the relatively new and still under-used parts of the U.S. Patent System. I’ll tell you why they are well worth more attention.

1. They are relatively easy to file. Design patents don’t have long, complex claims. Just a few drawings. Fewer experts and lawyers to wait for and pay.

2. They are broad. A design patent, for example, covers “an overall impression” of the look and feel of a product, according to many experts in the Apple vs. Samsung case. That’s very subjective and thus broad and subject to how well your lawyers and experts can argue in court.

3. It’s easy to understand by a jury of your peers. Anybody can understand what an iPhone or iPad looks like and that the look is kinda distinctive. Not everybody can stay awake when someone argues for a utility patent on the alternate e-bit in the 3G cellular standard—something about which the Samsung’s attorneys had to educate the jury. They won no infringement money for their expensive efforts.

4. They make money. A significant fraction of Apple’s $1.05 billion damages award was for design patents and trade dresses. These things pay.

5. They protect IP you didn’t know you even had. Apple showed its iPhone boxes and packaging as part of its trade dress. Who would have thought these little out-of-the-box-experience details could be intellectual property you could monetize? Go figure, and sharpen your pencil.

6. Everybody else will do it. This is a big lesson from the Apple vs. Samsung case. Other people will get it, if not today someday soon. Don’t be left out of the next big IP race.

7. There’s a protracted sluggish recovery going on. Too many people have time on their hands and are hungry for new opportunities. File a design patent. Register a trade dress.

Go ahead, scoff. Tell me how stupid it is to have a patent on a black rectangle with rounded corners.

While you are busy laughing, I am busy filing a design patent.

See you in court!
TAG:Trade Dress Design Patents Samsung Apple Patents Infringement Smartphones Handsets IPhone IPad Court

Western Digital back on top of hard disk drive heap

Western Digital back on top of hard disk drive heap

SAN FRANCISCO—Western Digital Corp. regained the top spot among hard disk drive (HDD) suppliers in the second quarter, six months after falling behind rival Seagate Technology Corp. in the wake of flooding in Thailand that forced several facility closures, market research firm IHS iSuppli said Tuesday (Aug. 28).

Western Digital produced about 71 million HDD units in the second quarter, generating record revenue for the company of about $4.8 billion, according to a market brief from IHS. Western Digital's production for the second quarter includes production from Hitachi GST, which Western Digital acquired earlier this year, IHS said.

Meanwhile, Seagate shipped about 65.9 million HDD units in the second quarter, IHS said. Seagate also generated a company record $4.5 million in sales, according to IHS.

TAG:Hard Disk Drive Western Digital IHS Isuppli Seagte

Smartphones projected to be majority of handsets shipped in 2013

Smartphones projected to be majority of handsets shipped in 2013

SAN FRANCISCO—Smartphones are now expected to account for the majority of cellular handset shipments for the first time in 2013, two years earlier than previously predicted, according to market research firm IHS iSuppli.

According to an IHS report released Tuesday (Aug. 28), smartphones are now expected to account for 54 percent of handset shipments in 2013, up from an estimated 46 percent this year and 35 percent in 2011. The firm cites
increased demand from developed regions for high-end smartphones along with an unexpectedly strong push from emerging economies for lower-cost smartphones.

"This represents a major upgrade for the outlook compared to a year ago, when smartphones weren’t expected to take the lead until 2015," said Wayne Lam, senior analyst for wireless communications at IHS. "Over the past 12 months, smartphones have fallen in price, and a wider variety of models have become available, spurring sales of both low-end smartphones in regions like Asia-Pacific, as well as midrange to high-end phones in the United States and Europe."

Lam predicts that smartphone shipments would continue to grow by double digit percentages for the next few years. By 2016, Lam expects smartphones shipments to account for 67.4 percent of the total cell phone market.

TAG:Smartphones Handset Cellular Shipments IHS Isuppli

Western Digital back on top of hard disk drive heap

Western Digital back on top of hard disk drive heap

SAN FRANCISCO—Western Digital Corp. regained the top spot among hard disk drive (HDD) suppliers in the second quarter, six months after falling behind rival Seagate Technology Corp. in the wake of flooding in Thailand that forced several facility closures, market research firm IHS iSuppli said Tuesday (Aug. 28).

Western Digital produced about 71 million HDD units in the second quarter, generating record revenue for the company of about $4.8 billion, according to a market brief from IHS. Western Digital's production for the second quarter includes production from Hitachi GST, which Western Digital acquired earlier this year, IHS said.

Meanwhile, Seagate shipped about 65.9 million HDD units in the second quarter, IHS said. Seagate also generated a company record $4.5 million in sales, according to IHS.

TAG:Hard Disk Drive Western Digital IHS Isuppli Seagte

Report: KKR to take over Renesas with $1.27 billion investment

Report: KKR to take over Renesas with $1.27 billion investment

Tokyo – Nikkei, Japan’s economic journal, reported Wednesday (Aug.29th) that Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., a NY-based private equity firm, is in talks with Renesas Electronics.

KKR plans to take over the management of the ailing chip maker in Japan by spending 100 billion yen ($1.27 billion) through a private placement of new shares, Nikkei reported.

If true, this is KKR second crack at rescuing a chip company. KKR, Bain and three other private equity firms acquired NXP Semiconductors in a $9.4 billion leveraged buyout in 2006. NXP went public in August, 2010.

According to Nikkei, KKR presented its proposal to Renesas' top three shareholders -- NEC Corp, Hitachi Ltd. and Mitsubishi Electric Corp.-- as well as Renesas’ main banks. The Japanese newspaper anticipated a formal agreement as early as next month.

Renesas has a market capitalization of about 95 billion yen. KKR’s plan is to lead the chipmaker's turnaround efforts by taking over a majority stake by year's end. If that happens, KKR may replace Renesas’ current management.

At stake is the credibility of Renesas’ restructuring plan. Lingering concerns in the electronics industry are focused on the Japanese company’s willingness to make deep enough cuts, act on the plan quickly, and apply sufficient capital to pull everything off.

While a number of different restructuring plans have been bandied in the Japanese media over the last few months, Renesas is yet to publicly announce a detailed plan beyond seeking slightly more than 5,000 volunteers for early retirement. It’s also working to close some fabs.

Nikkei reported that Hitachi, NEC and Mitsubishi, the three shareholders of Renesas, have already agreed to provide a total of 50 billion yen through loans and other measures. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and three other lenders intend to provide 50 billion yen through a credit line, it said.

Related links and articles:

Report: TSMC's Chang says no to buying Renesas fab

White knight or asset stripper?

Renesas seeks $620 million from KKR, says report

Renesas cuts 14,000 jobs; fab sale to TSMC

Report: Renesas Mobile up for sale in re-org

Renesas extends MCU work with TSMC to 40-nm

Reports: Renesas to tie up with TSMC, cut jobs

TAG:Renesas KKR Take Over

7 reasons to file design patents, trade dresses

7 reasons to file design patents, trade dresses

SAN JOSE, Calif. – The Apple vs. Samsung case sent out two calls to action big as billboards along San Jose’s Highway 101: File more design patents. Register more trade dresses.

These are the relatively new and still under-used parts of the U.S. Patent System. I’ll tell you why they are well worth more attention.

1. They are relatively easy to file. Design patents don’t have long, complex claims. Just a few drawings. Fewer experts and lawyers to wait for and pay.

2. They are broad. A design patent, for example, covers “an overall impression” of the look and feel of a product, according to many experts in the Apple vs. Samsung case. That’s very subjective and thus broad and subject to how well your lawyers and experts can argue in court.

3. It’s easy to understand by a jury of your peers. Anybody can understand what an iPhone or iPad looks like and that the look is kinda distinctive. Not everybody can stay awake when someone argues for a utility patent on the alternate e-bit in the 3G cellular standard—something about which the Samsung’s attorneys had to educate the jury. They won no infringement money for their expensive efforts.

4. They make money. A significant fraction of Apple’s $1.05 billion damages award was for design patents and trade dresses. These things pay.

5. They protect IP you didn’t know you even had. Apple showed its iPhone boxes and packaging as part of its trade dress. Who would have thought these little out-of-the-box-experience details could be intellectual property you could monetize? Go figure, and sharpen your pencil.

6. Everybody else will do it. This is a big lesson from the Apple vs. Samsung case. Other people will get it, if not today someday soon. Don’t be left out of the next big IP race.

7. There’s a protracted sluggish recovery going on. Too many people have time on their hands and are hungry for new opportunities. File a design patent. Register a trade dress.

Go ahead, scoff. Tell me how stupid it is to have a patent on a black rectangle with rounded corners.

While you are busy laughing, I am busy filing a design patent.

See you in court!
TAG:Trade Dress Design Patents Samsung Apple Patents Infringement Smartphones Handsets IPhone IPad Court